I am not looking for specific advice but for ideas of where to look next.
Since 3 January I have had 9 or 10 units of packed blood cells. The last double transfusion was 27 February and a week later my hgb was 73 again, 74 before the transfusion and lab normal is 115-165.
I'm 27 months I have had a failed upper GI endoscopy, a capsule endoscopy, an MRI scan, 2 CT scans and my bone marrow biopsy was cancelled. I've also had 9 or 10 negative Q-Fit tests.
No further appointments at the hospital as my GP has been asked to monitor the Hgb and arrange transfusions.
Blood tests (smear) show micro and macrocyres plus abnormal shaped cells, target, pencil and oval. The RBC is normal.