I'm Jak2+ with P-Vera and 10+ yrs on Jakafi - basically since it was first approved for PV.
My recent labs and BMB results no longer fit neatly with PV and would be consistent with transition to MF: hypocellular marrow, anemia, WBC production abnormalities, increased platelets counts (450-550 from consistently in 200s), increased constitutional symptoms. However, my BMB shows no signs of fibrosis, and my doctor hypothesizes most of this may be due to my long-term Jakafi usage (hypocellular marrow excluded). While I wait for additional test results (MDS FISH, NGS myeloid mutation panel, viral tests) thought I'd check in here with others.
Has anyone been on Jakafi as long, or nearly as long, and seen a difference in bone marrow morphology and cellularity?