I have had ET for 13 years and then PV for a year. I am a 74 YO white male. I have been taking 1000mg of hydra every day for 14 years. I got some bad mouth sores and my doctor put me on Jakafi.
My CBC showed platelets at 340 10(3), White cells at 14.1 10(3), and RBC at 4.31 10(6) when I started 10mg/day Jakafi.
I went in for my 2 week check up and my white cells were at 89 10(3) and platelets at 1630 10(3) and RBC at 4.27 10(3). My WBC and platelets sky rocketed while RBC stayed the same. I also showed 1% blasts in my blood. Now my doctor thinks I have leukemia and I am having a BMB tomorrow.
Does anyone have an idea of what happened here?