Good morning members & guests of MATES,
Today I am writing to inform anyone who may wish to attend our next Cafe Catchup ‘Virtual’ meeting that we will be honoured to be hosting a very special guest, and possibly Australia’s foremost MPN Specialist, Dr Cecily Forsyth.
For many MPNers in Australia the choices for MPN specialists are generally very restricted. Fortunately, here in NSW, we are gifted with one of the very best.
This special event, (Cafe Catchup), will be held Sunday December 1st from 6–8PM.
At MATES we use the Microsoft TEAMs APP to host our meetings. Most people should be enabled to join our gathering simply by clicking upon the provided ‘Meeting Link’. However, many of our members have also found that first downloading the APP makes the process run a tad more smoothly, choice is optional of course…
Once downloaded, people are able to enter the Settings area to TEST their Video, Audio & Background optional Settings. Its all fairly intuitive & straightforward however I am happy to assist anyone wishing to join us ahead of time should they so desire. Please simply send me an email to: steven(at)mpn-mate(dot)com
No doubt this Cafe Catchup should prove to be a most informative evening concerning all things MPN, so naturally, I hope that many of you might be along to join us for a most informal Q & A session with Cecily.
Once into the TEAMs App, please do have a good look around. Top of the Right Hand side of the screen a ‘Hand’ Icon will be found, and we will try to use this to help prevent people talking over the top of one another.
Simply ‘click-on’ to ‘Raise’ & again to ‘Lower’ one’s hand etc.
One question that is bound to be raised on the night is; “What’s happening to Global & Australian supplies of Pegasys’ Interferons? Another might be pondering if Australia might also follow our UK cousins by providing ‘Besremi’ as an alternative to Pegasys’?
In any event, hopefully, many of you might be available to learn more all things MPN by joining the conversation on the night.
Hope to see you there…
Full details provided below & on MATES Forum
Very best wishes to all for happy festive season…
Kind regards
Dr Cecily Forsyth, MPN SPECIALIST Joining our MATES – Cafe Catchup
All are welcome...