Can some experienced travellers who use Pegasys give me some advice please. I am travelling this week from the UK to Mexico, and have bought a Disoncare insulin cooler to keep my Pegasys syringes in whilst travelling. I will keep this in my Hand Luggage, but I’m not sure what to do with the needle part of the injection . Will I be able to keep it in my hand luggage or as it’s a sharp will it need to be packed in my suitcase in the hold. I don’t want to get it confiscated, but I also don’t want it to get lost if suitcases are delayed.
Airport travel with Injections : Can some... - MPN Voice
Airport travel with Injections

I have traveled with my Besremi kit, needles and all, though multiple security checks in multiple countries. It has never been a problem. It is advised that you have a signed physician's letter/note for your medications. This is required in some countries and definitely a good idea for syringes. Be sure to declare the presence of the syringes and provide the letter if requested.
Besremi comes with a warning not to let is pass through security x-ray. I have never seen that warning for Pegasys. I keep my Besremi kit in a separate insulated bag and hand it to security, requesting a visual inspection. It is never a problem. The only time the letter was requested was flying out of the airport in Vienna, Austria.
Happy travels.
Thanks for the advise hunter, I rarely travel outside the uk, and was very anxious about airport security.
Do you ever ask cabin staff it they’ll put it in the fridge? When I use my cooler in the car, the temperature doesn’t always stay low for as long as I’d like - despite surrounding it with an ice block and putting it in the trunk…! So far, I’ve avoided holidays that are longer than a week, but it would be nice to have the option to travel for longer.
Hey Hunter, when you were on Pegasys, did you travel with it and put it through an X-ray scanner? I'm a bit worried this can affect the drug. I can't find information on this. Thanks!
I never flew with Pegasys. It does not come with the same warning about the TSA Xray that Besremi does as far as I know. You should declare the syringes when you ggo though TSA regardless. Given that the ice-gel pack will likely tagger a search, you might just want to have your cooler/syringes out and ask for a visual inspection. It is not a big deal.

hi swimswam, it might be advisable to check with the airline you are flying with for their specific regulations on travelling with medications and syringes, and also check the regulations for the airports you will be using as. Hope you have a good trip to Mexico. Best wishes, Maz
Hi swimswam I travelled from Gatwick to Lanzarote over the Easter holidays and was taking my Peg for the first time ever. I took it in hand luggage. I too had a cooling pack. My advice would be is inform the guys at the Xray machine its medication in a cooling pack and place it in a carton on its own.
Have your letters etc with you (I took the letter showing my diagnosis & meds I take & a copy of a peg script) in case. I didn't do any of these things (I was advised to do these things afterwards). It was hilarious because they realized what is was quickly but initially it looks suspiciously like an explosive (the cool block ,the wire and thermometer!).
They were lovely though.
Edit: added details
when my husband travels with his meds/needles on a plane he just shows a letter from his doctor that says he has to keep his medication and related needles in a cooler in his hand luggage at all times. He’s never had a problem. Good luck.
I’ve traveled between Australia and America with Pegasus injections. I keep the needles in the cooler along with the syringes. I’ve never had any issues traveling. No one has asked for documentation through security or customs. I was asked once about it and I said it was medication that needs to be refrigerated and that was it. Have a great trip!
I fly long distance & always have to produce my Drs letter proving why I carry injections. With Peg they like them left sealed in the packed box they come in . I hand the small cool bag in at security & they check it physically with hand scanner & give it me back . No different to diabetics having their injections with them so I have never had problems even in remote areas of World. Julia 👌
I’ve travelled with syringes and needles in hand luggage on several occasions before, with no problem.
I always carried a letter from my doctor confirming that the syringes were medically necessary and needed to travel with me but I never needed to produce it.
Oddly, while other items such as lip salve and nail scissors were being confiscated from other travellers, I and my syringes sailed straight through each time!
Hey AndT, did you pass your Pegasys syringes through X-Ray machine? Thanks
Mine were actually heparin syringes (before I started Pegasys) but were a similar size to Pegasys ones. I did put them through the x-ray machines at airports with no problems.
Since I’ve been on Pegasys I’ve managed to juggle doses around travel, so haven’t needed to take the syringes with me.