Just a quick recap and an update on my latest appointment….
I have been under the care of an Haematologist for two years now, referred by my GP for consistently high platelet counts found during routine blood tests. Platelets usually around 565, highest being 622. I have no symptoms although I do also suffer with allergies, irritable bowel syndrome, vitiligo skin condition and an under active thyroid gland.
Colonoscopy and gastroscopy all clear, Jak2, CalR and MPL negative.
During my tests it was picked up that I was iron deficient with low ferritin results. Not anaemic though. Since being on iron tablets my platelets have come down to 484, the lowest whilst all of this has been going on…
My Haemo is no longer interested in carrying out a bone marrow biopsy unless, in her words, “your platelets ever go above 650 and remain so”. She strongly believes my case to be Reactive as she says my count is coming down over two years and not increasing which is usually the pattern with ET.
I’m happy with continuing to be monitored every 3 months but I am conscious that my platelet count is still above the magic 450 number even though my ferritin has now been rectified? So I do have a little niggle of “what if I am a triple negative case and it is being overlooked?
I suppose time will tell with more results but I am wondering if anyone else has had their iron levels rectified and if so how long did it take for their platelet counts to follow suit and go back within normal range?
I think there may also be a possibility that maybe an under active thyroid and vitiligo could possibly be playing a part as both are classed as auto-immune conditions yet I can find no literature of them being implicated with platelet counts? Maybe the inflammation from Irritable Bowel Syndrome may also be contributing?
I have found, for me, the not knowing, guess-work and uncertainty of everything to be the worst part of this journey and unfortunately it seems that it’s very common for the diagnosis of ET and other MPN’s (or the ruling out of them) to not always be obvious and clear cut…..x