I developed Essential Thrombocythemia immediately following my Covid Vaccination and first Booster - lost 1 1/2 stone and platelet count shot through the roof to 1,000. Immediately put on Aspirin a day andHydroxycarbamide.
My life changed from then - awful symptoms but not sure if the drugs or the ET?
I always have cold numb and tingly feet - sometimes very painful at night and need to take a painkiller.
I was always such a fit and active person but feel so weary all the time. Not quite so bad in the mornings when I have to get my work done before I have to rest for a couple of hours in the afternoon as feel so 'blotto!' I then can manage to get our dinner and walk our dog. I often feel better for going out to walk my dog but sometimes I don't know how I drag myself around.
The medics in this country won't talk about side effects of the vaccine but in Europe the medics are talking more openly about the possible side effects of the vaccine.
Each day is such a struggle now and so much joy has gone out of my life because of this ET.
I am hoping to attend the Forum in December for MPN. It will be wonderful to find out more information if I can and compare notes with fellow sufferers.