I have seen erratic liver enzyme levels while attempting to transition from hydroxyurea to Pegasys. I'm not convinced that the Peg is the cause of the issue but my Dr has stopped the Peg and I’m back to 2g of HU with platelets at about 1400 and increasing at a good pace. It is not good. Other than a slightly liver elevated enzymes, the Peg at 45 and 90 Mcg was great for me.
The MPN Voice drug document for interferons has a table in which hepatic/liver adverse events are given a frequency of 0.01 - 0.1 %. I’m curious as to the origin of this number because I have seen other papers (see below for example) that indicate it is higher more like 10%. Am I misunderstanding the MPN document.
My own Dr says he sees much higher rates of liver AEs than 0.1% with interferons.
I’ve also seen general comments that Besremi is “better tolerated” than Pegasys but does “better tolerated” include fewer AEs of the liver enzymes?
For Peg and Besremi, are elevated liver enzymes one of those symptoms that tend to revert to normal over time as patients get used to the Peg? If so what would be reasonable time line?
“Pegylated interferon alpha – 2a is clinically effective and tolerable in myeloproliferative neoplasm patients treated off clinical trial”, Leukeamia Research 54 (2017) 73-77, coauthored by Rueben Mesa:
For the cohort of 75 patients there was “transaminitis at grade 1 in 6 patients (8%) and grade 2 in 3 patients (4%)”. Unfortunately, the paper is not freely downloadable for public viewing from pubmed (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/281...