This is a question for MPNers in Wales please. Does anybody know if enteric coated aspirin are available on prescription?
Enteric coated asprin: This is a question for... - MPN Voice
Enteric coated asprin

Hope you get an answer, but I am curious - Why would you need a prescription? Enteric low dose aspirin is an over-the-counter medication (at least in the USA and other places). You do not need a prescription and it is very cheap.
Thank you Hunter. I realized I could buy them by googling just after I posted the question. I've had a repeat prescription for aspirin since being diagnosed and never thought about buying them. Am getting dozy in my old age.
It is cheap to buy but I get mine on prescription too as during lock down the shelves were out of stock but could still get it through the pharmacist on prescription. If you have a medical card here in uk it’s then free with no prescription charge
That must have been a real bloody pain in the neck. During the height of things the OTC Cold/Flu medicines were at times out-of-stock but never the low-dose aspirins. I am very ready for COVID to be over!
Yes, been on them for 14 years. Started with the soluble ones but upset my stomach. GP put me on enteric coated. Never had a problem on repeat prescription or stomach. I'm in Wales.
Hi mark382Thank you for that information. I've been taking ordinary aspirin for 3 years and just recently started experiencing heartburn and reflux for the first time in my life. Switched to Rux from HU about 9 months ago. How do we ever know if it's the aspirin or our meds? As I don't know thought I should switch to the enteric coated.
It's worth a try. If it works - great. If it doesn't you haven't lost any thing. I also take Lanzoprazole, before breakfast. This is an ant acid. Take it for 2 reasons because I take aspirin and I had a stomach ulcer many decades ago. May be worth asking GP or haematologist about Lanzoprazole.
Yes, I live in Wales, and was given low dose aspirin on prescription, though I actually pay/buy mine as I find it easier. I might add it's not for an MPN it's because I apparently have "thick blood" it's my wife that has MF.☹️
My GP refused to prescribe enteric coated aspirin as NHS (England) only permits the (cheaper!) regular aspirin. So yes, I buy it over the counter. Really can’t complain too much as all my other meds have been / are free!
Thank you Ebot. Was about to write that we are luckier in Wales with free prescriptions but then read ChillyAsh34 post and see not everything available on prescription in Wales. Guess it depends on which health authority we come under.
I live in North Wales, I have to buy my own too expensive on prescription, they are in all supermarkets for 60 80 pence for 28
Thanks for this. Is that in the general medical section or in the children's area. I've just started and pay £5 for 56 from Lloyd's. Not bad but always up for paying less 😁