Hello everyone
Just wanted to give you status after my first appointment with MPN specialist
Most of the things been told, I already learned about through research and (thanks to this group), below are the couple of things that I didnt know
1. ET only can be diagnosed with bone marrow biopsy
2. PV is the only MPN that can be diagnosed by blood test (if meeting the criteria), not necessarily need bmb.
3. Most of MPN patients have elevated B12 levels
As far as for my case, I have only the Jack2 mutation positive right now, no other criteria since my numbers still considered normal.
She advised, she doesnt see an urgency to get bmb for my case, unless I want one to get the diagnosis, and that will not make any change since I dont need any medication right now.
She ordered erythropoietin test for me, she mentioned with PV this will be elevated.
Also recheck my B12, (I have B12 deficiency and I'm on daily supplement)
Was taking iron, she asked me to stop that right now until we check my CBC, because if I have PV the iron may increase my RBC and hgb.
She asked me to take aspirin daily (even I can take only 4 times a week)
Do you guys have elevated B12 levels ? please let me know what you think and if you have any advise for me.
- thank you, Sosi