if you were sent a shielding letter during the first Covid lockdown, does that mean that you will get a NHS letter inviting you to get a vaccine instead of waiting to be called by your GP.
COVID Category 4 OR LOWER?: if you were sent a... - MPN Voice
COVID Category 4 OR LOWER?

Good question.
I can't help worrying about falling between two stools.
My nearest vaccine centre is less than half a mile away and I can't help thinking that I could be down there within 10 minutes of getting a call. My local authority declares that they have a standby arrangement to avoid end-of-day wastage but do not tell us how the standby candidates are identified.
PLEASE can I go on the list (preferably at the top).
The last time I moaned about anything on this forum was about vitamin D delivery, which appeared to have the effect of everyone getting theirs two days later. I hope this bit if whining has a similar effect.
Sorry think I missed something . Vitamin D ? X
Hi,I got the (many) government letters re CEV and shielding, but the text offering the jab came from my GP practise. Actually got jabbed tonight (Pfizer) but my wife was refused as she had a history of adverse reaction to penecillin 50 years ago! Only applies to Pfizer apparently. AZ is fine
Wow that rules out Pfizer for me then as I had a reaction to penicillin approx 50yrs ago too. I haven’t had penicillin since. -thank you
Yep same here, hubby got the Pfizer one today, but would not give to me as I reacted badly to Penicillin many years ago and other antibiotics, also warfarin, tramadol, they told me nothing to do with my ET, so tomorrow have been booked for the AstraZeneca jab.
Interesting as I'm allergic to Penicillin. The skin on the palms of my hands goes thick and peels off in sheets. What happens about your wife. Does she get called up again. How did they pick up a out Penicillin.
My Husband had shielding letters first one from GP after I made them aware of his condition after that from government. We were worry that the GP would again miss him off the list so we asked his hospital consultant about it, he wrote to surgery. He had phone call Thursday asking him to attend for his vaccinations Friday unfortunately he was booked in to have 2 units of blood. So he is now top of the list for his vaccination when they have their next batch in.
I’m in the MPN grey area. Over 65 and with a history of stroke so I’ll have to wait and see. 4th or 5th group. After all, the categories are targets only and not finite. My housebound 89 yr old mum is still waiting.
Hi Wyebird.
Were you defined as ‘extremely clinically vulnerable’ ie. received a ‘Shielding letter’? If so, you should be in group 4.
With your history of stroke only more reason to be pushing for group 4 recognition.
Yes I had a letter saying I or someone I cared for ( I didn’t at that time) needed to shield. It came from my hospital Guy’s on behalf of NHS. That has been the only letter I’ve had. I queried my position with the GP and according to them I’m not extremely vulnerable. I wonder if they look at our immune system ? My white blood cells are fine x
These ‘Shielding letters’ are updated frequently. My husband has received many, so it’s interesting why you have only received one?
Maybe ask your GP what or if anything has changed in your circumstances.
Take a look at the following link from blood cancer uk. It’s helpful for pursuing through your GP, as it states; ‘GPs can and should add their CML and MPN patients to the Shielding list.’ How can you argue with that? I have sent a copy to my GP lead/Partner with a covering letter, I hold my breath!
Ah that’s interesting maybe because I’m responding to my meds I’m not on list any more.
Don’t assume anything.
At least ask questions if you want to be in group 4 for vaccination, if not, that’s your decision and fine too.
I sent link and cut and paste relevant section to GP. Within an hour he sent text to say uodated records to Clinically Extremely Vulnerable. Codes all updated. I have never had a shielding letter. Looks like I was never coded right.
Here’s hoping, unfortunately, I don’t have much faith in my practice
I understand that. I left a practice because I too didn’t have faith. This practice is amazing.
I too was worried that I might fall between the gaps as my GP and my consultant are in 2 different areas. I’ve received all the Government and hospital shielding letters. So I decided last week to send my GP an email explaining my situation and got an appointment at the surgery within 48 hours- it was a special clinic for shielding patients too!
Gosh that’s good. Unfortunately after the first lock down I threw away my shielding letter. I only had one.
I received a text and a link from my GP to book an appointment. I had my vaccine done this morning
Iv never received a shielding letter but had a call from GP surgery had my vaccine on Friday
Thrilled for you. I’ve just had a phone call to say my 89yr old mum is being jabbed on Monday morning. As for me, I think I’ll just go with the flow.
No, I don’t. Maz put out a good post about MPn’s and Covid. I can’t find it. If you go on MPN . Org it directs you to government website which is slightly different. The one posted by Maz don’t quote me as I’d love to find it and print it off. Stated along the lines that if your are 65 and above then that’s the ‘unclear’ range. I’m in that range. So it’s quite feasible to be classed as vulnerable or not and my GP says I’m not.