Hi As I posted here, I had a BMB a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately the first part of the sample that was analysed had been badly taken and couldn’t be fully analysed. What a bummer. So I’ll have to wait for the trephine ( bony core) part of the biopsy to be analysed. I’m still hoping that I can find a drug or combination of drugs ( adding Pegasys to rux has had good results in the Danish study recently posted ) thar will not give me the acute recurring aggressive disfiguring generally crap sarcomatoid SCCs. that rux alone does, but will keep control of the MF.
I ‘ve now got a second opinion referral from the excellent dermatologist I was seeing at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford to a colleague of hers who works at Kings, who has actually seen a lot of people taking rux who have developed sarcomatoid SCCs. The system ar Kings is that a dermatologist and a haematologist both see the patient together. Wow. Brilliant idea. So , in a few weeks or six I should get a definitive view of the best available treatment that will deal with the sccs snd the MF.
Rught now I’m tired and fed up and not very coherent.
Thanks for listening.