Hi I am on Hydroxyurea 500mg a day and have a cold for some days runny nose and eyes and some chest pain when coughing (not often). What antibiotics are we allowed if needed? I found that DEPON was very good for me whilst soluble aspirin not at all. Any advice?
Cold without fever. : Hi I am on Hydroxyurea 500mg... - MPN Voice
Cold without fever.

I’ve had the same, doctor gave me Amoxicillin, at last it’s cleared. Had this for 6 weeks. What antibiotics suit you is a bit of an individual thing, best thing to do is note which one works well for you.
Hi, I agree but the main thing is, that if we can....avoid antibiotics full stop. I do understand that sometimes the best is to start to take it but a lot of people take it just like any mint tablet. Remenber that traces of it stays in you body for up to 3 years! Also, it totally mess up the gut. BUT as I said, if you really need it...you do! Hope Kelly 2 recover quickly! Take care.
Actually I had a warm bath, dried my hair, warmed my bedroom, had lunch and am resting in my bed under a warm comforter watching TV! I already feel better. Totally recommend it. So I might not need antibiotics, I just needed resting but good to know which one is allowed just in case. Thank you
Brill! Not sure it will help you now but there is a nose spray that is sort of preventative. I just stumbled over it , bought a bottle and I must say it really helped me a few times already. As soon as I feel something might be going on, I spray and it seems to rins my nose and throat so I never come to stage two. Really good. I must add, that I did not really believe in it before I had tried it...
Wow! Actually the chemist when I asked for the Vaporub started to tell me about a spray but I didn't let her finish! I will certainly buy it as it can be prevented at the beginning. Thank you!
Hi. I travel back and forward to Portugal and always use First Defence just before I fly - just to help me fight the germs flying around the aircraft 😊
What else? Do you take aspirin and use socks for the flight?
Hi Kelly. I take aspirin daily and don’t always remember the socks I’m afraid 😊
So nothing extra for the flight right?
Nope. It is only three hours to Portugal from Newcastle Kelly and I would definitely wear flight stockings if it were a longer flight. I take on a bottle of water and enjoy a red wine on the flight. This is only me mind you. There will be others who will disagree with me but I like to live my life as close to normal as I possibly can. Lesley x
Kelly, I would strong advise against taking antibiotics without consulting a doctor first. The side effects can be truly hazardous to your health. It is different when you ask online advise about taking vitamins, supplements or practices. But in my opinion, nobody should give you an advise on antibiotics based on past experiences or knowledge.
Best see a doc or think about managing your condition with vitamins, they can help too))
**Happy holidays**
Hi, I did not take any because I had no fever but my cold dragged many days with sore throat, stuffed and runny nose and general feeling of malaise. It was really bad. The clever thing to do is go to the chemist and take something from the first day. Soon I will start vitamins that will help my hair too. Happy and healthy new year!
thanks, to you as well.
How is your condition now? Any improvements?