Hi have had PVR for three years and on hydro 500 mg 4 days and 1000 mg 3 days. Just got copy letter from consultant which says hb 149 g/L, WBC 6.5 c 109/ L, Neutrophils 4.6 x 109/L, platelets normal, haematocrit 0.497% , Ferrari 8 mcg/L can anyone decipher it and let me know whether this is in normal range? Thanks
PVR blood test results: Hi have had PVR for three... - MPN Voice
PVR blood test results

Hi Anneian,
They seems to be all OK and within the normal range..
I hope they will be fine all the time.
Hi Annian,
If my counts were like this I would need a venesection, my max is 42, if you hAve noted yours correctly it is 49. We are all different but in PV there is a recommended range for the HCT and HGB, different for men and women. . Research on this site to find ranges for all your counts. Over the years, while on interferon, my red blood count has risen for no reason and I have needed venesections. Then it is fine for another long while and the process is repeated.
Best wishes, Mairead

Hi Anneian, you need to ask your consultant or nurse to tell you what these counts mean, or ask your GP, as normal and abnormal can be different for different people. Maz
Hey don't complain at least you got a Ferrari out of it LoL
In my non-doctor medical experience, I think you mean ferritin not Ferrari, (Spell Check may have tried to help you out). In the USA you would be anemic, not unusual for those of us on hydroxy. Hematocrit tells you what percentage of your blood is red blood cells, It can be estimated from the HB reading which ranges anywhere from 111- 180 or measured directly in the lab. I try to keep my HB below 150. At 149 g/l I would be happy. I'm on a daily dose of 500mg hydroxy and a venesection every 4 weeks or so.
Thanks - should have spell checked but full of the flu and couldn’t be bothered lol. It seems from what you say blood results are ok. Haven’t had venesection for over 18 months so think hydro and aspirin have it under control. Yes I am anaemic but consultant won’t do another venesection as she doesn’t want to upset bloods. Thanks for your answer.