It's never too late to make the change .Give up. coCaCola ..cut down coffee , cut down tea, Drink yourself healthy with filtered water and fresh juice more green ,cut down on that heavy red meat ..feel fitter ,,look younger ,,more energy !!
Have a happy weekend all !!! life is short .. - MPN Voice
Have a happy weekend all !!! life is short ..

Well said Twinkly - use the coke to clean the loo - that's all it is good for. Have a good weekend everyone.
Very cheerful Twinkly,have you any advice to offer for sciatica,killing me ,lying on ice packs!!!!how is your bakers cyst,I had the same about tan years ago ,climbing up a bank!!Enjoy your weekend and fabulous dogs. That should be ten,curser refuses to change.Keep Twinkling and cheering us.
On that road for 14 months. ... makes a massive difference 🙆
Hi Lizzie and Thankyou,I did have reflexology2yrs ago for breathing problems,the lady practitioner did ask me then if I had hip pain ,I had a bit. Having ridden all my life I just supposed it was wear and tear.......nothing like the pain of this sciatica now.Dr has referred me to an osteo,but I think reflexology may be a better option as just now I do not feel well enough in myself for being pulled around! Thanks for reminding me,keep well as poss yourself,Sally
I had just booked two lots of theatre tickets for next week and a meal out (its our wedding anniversary) and was feeling guilty about the cost when I decided to hone in on the forum and read your post - I mean particularly the "Life`s too short bit" and Boy do I feel better - thanks Twinkly
OH such wise advice - shall follow !!! Thank you
Always good advice Twinkly. Especially the Life's too short. It's certainly too short to do the ironing/housework when it's a lovely sunny day and I've got books to read sat outside with my lovely doggies. X
Don't you all know ,I put up these posts because I love you all as if you were my closest buddy's ..we are like family ,, we have so much in common ..shareing is the greatest gift ,,,,twinkly xx
Love your posts Twinkly but can I tell my hubby it's your fault that I've bought two pairs of shoes today ? Haha 👠👢xx