Thought you'd like this!! Hope alls going well Brave Jedi!! X
for Jedi Reject: Thought you'd like this!! Hope... - MPN Voice
for Jedi Reject

Hope all is going well to, though I would give a shout for Derbyshire myself
Hey good old Jean Luc "make it so Worf" I know should be Mr Sul, , I did like the basic appeal of the original series. . . Thanks lizzziep for reminding how unfortunate I am to be a Lanky lad when there's all Yorkshire has to offer. . 😂
I was going to put an update on today as I been flying under radar a tad due to mouth, throat ulceration, tiredness drifting in and out of sleep and being pumped full of fluid, anti rejection, red cells, platelets, , and some small doses of more chemo to try reduce graft v host disease affecting gut, liver or skin too harshly. . Anyway I'm doing OK and reasonably bright today though I didn't come off drip til midnight.
Still waiting for my counts to fire up under my own steam but it can take around 3 weeks, obviously this would give me a real boost. . . . 🍒🍒🍒
Thanks folks you know this forum is helping spur me on at Warp speed.
Love Chris xx
Meant to say a big Thank You to all blood donors who make things like this possible. . And auto correct didn't like Sulu !! But dunno what George TakeI done to upset it. . x
Hi Chris. Cheers from Scotland too. Maybe the MPs don't know the meaning of "all in it together" but we in this forum certainly do. Love to you and your family and willing you to get better day by day.
Thinking of you Chris. Use every bit of strength you have to kick that graft v host to the curb! God bless xxx
I was going to have a moan about how bad I`ve been feeling recently which is the first time since starting on Hydroxy for et in 2 years. But on reading your post and what you are having to go through Chris I think I`ll definitely not bother. You`re a great guy even though you are a Lancastrian (I`m a Yorkshire lass of course). Good luck and best wishes
Hi Chris. I have not replied to you before but read your messages- I suppose I am a voyure if sorts! Then a gain in hospital everyone is😊. Have you started playing Hispital chess whith your table yet? Watch everyone plays it at some point... First you move something them adjust something else until you have all your pieces where you want them- it can go on for hours, the good thing when visitors go you get to play again- watch the others they are all doing it but don't know the rules- just like Chess. Keep strong and you will conquer .👍👍👍
Hope those counts fire up soon and the rest settles for I'm sure you are a wonderful 'host'
Helen x
Great to hear from you Chris. Sorry to hear you have been going through the mill though, but glad you are feeling brighter today. Keeping fingers, toes and everything crossed that your counts start to improve soon.
Karen xxx
Love the picture Lizzie x
Hey Chris sorry to hear things been so tough for you. But keep on trucking, you will get there. I have everything crossed too that your counts fire up soon. Lizx
Come on Chris you can do this.......... just lookin at hotels in Lytham st annes for a sat night for our anniversary end of November; any recommendations????? Hey what about a drink when you're up to it??? best wishes Indy x
Eh up JR - you're reet goin through't mill lad.
In my experience (posh Dorsety accent now-not rural more Bournemouth-got the picture?) Lancashire lads are strong, stoic & resilient usually with a beltin' sense of humour & a positive outlook. That sounds like you Chris!! (Being a bit of a renegade here as I'm technically a Yorkshire lass (still with lovely flat vowels) tho lived for equal time in Lancs but now an out & out Southerner!) I am in awe of your positivity & believe you're an example to us all who live with this mostly silent condition. Yes, we all have the niggles; the fatigue, joint pain etc but nothing in comparison to what you're going through Chris. Good on yer mate!!! Stay strong. Much love, Poll x
Thinking about you and your family so much - just know you are going to be on top soon. Much love.
Once again I am touched by all your support and reading your replies has given me a lift today as I'm tad weakened probably through not being able to eat much. . But don't worry coz my resolve is firm. Thanks lizzziep for putting this post up for me.
Take care all I will keep you posted on progress xx
I was going to say I'd have any spare food, but apart from being drummed out of the Slimming club (again) I hear hospital food isn't so great! But I'm sure your family are looking after you in that department.
Hope you soon get your appetite back, I'd bake you a cake, but I used to use that threat to make my kids behave when they were young. In fact when my youngest son joined the Royal Navy and they told the new recruits the cooking wouldn't be like their mothers his reaction was "Thank God for that!"
Best Wishes to you and yours and get those counts up.
Hi Chris, just wanted you to know we're thinking of you here in the U.S. also. Thanks for sharing your story. You're very brave....gail
Thank You xx
Greetings from a fellow Lancastrian - thinking of you here in the Red Rose County xx