We all of us tread this difficult road ..let us together send our love and caring to our mate who is feeling the need of our combined support !!! He's my buddy ,,and I care for him !! Twinkly ..xxxxxx
Send your positive vibes to our Jedi reject toda... - MPN Voice
Send your positive vibes to our Jedi reject today my buddy's.

All my thoughts and hopes for recovery to J R.
Been off news for a while,I really was unwell,must have missed progress of Chris,my best love and 'vibes' to him,good pic of you Twinkly ,looking great.
Agreed - thoughts are with you Chris.....
Haven't been on so didn't know Jr was really ill so sorry to hear jr lifts our spirits let's hope good thoughts good vibes and lots of love can raise his thinking of you jf and sending lots of love and hugs x
He's always in my thoughts and his ears must burn as I tell my friends about him and now they ask how he's doing. Hope you are ok Chris and we look forward to your witty and brilliant responses xx
Super photo, all the positive vibes I can find are sent to you Chris. XxAime 😺
Always in my thoughts too and sending loads of positive vibes xx
Hear! Hear!
Lots of positive vibes coming your way Chris. You have been a huge support and a great buddy to all of us. I've never known anyone with such courage and humour. I hope you're feeling better soon.
Judy xx
May the force be with you Jedi all the best😀😀
Your way.. lol. brain fog x
Thought I had not seen any blogs from Chris of late, miss his wisdom and wise words. All my love and best wishes go out to him.
May the force be with him.
Jean X
I can only agree with everything already said above. Chris you are always so positive and I have missed your quips on the site. How lucky that you have Twinkly for a buddy - but we are all there for you. Thoughts and prayers in abundance. God Bless. PS Thanks Twinkly also. Bruddery
I'm only the messenger here ..you are all the players..together we can make quite an excellent performance!! So all of you .....now take a bow ..love as ever ...twinkly xxx
I was wondering why we hadn't heard from Chris in a while. Sorry to hear you you are so poorly. Your amazing spirit and humour is missed so get well soon and give us news when you can. Thinking of you every day. Love and hugs, Karen xxx
Big big hugs and lots of positive energy to you Chris. Looking forward to hearing from you and smiling because you always make me smile xxxx Thank you Twinky for being an amazing messenger xxxx
Come on Chris! We're all here for you❤
From one transplantee Chris to another, I hope things pick up soon. Best wishes.
Miss your sparkling wit and repartee Chris! Hope to hear from you soooon...
lots of hugs and love, Sue
Yes Chris, I echo all the words of love and best wishes that everyone's been sending. Thought I hadn't heard from you for a while....Hope and pray that your strength returns. God bless, Jeanette x 😇
Chris come on. Get that golden army into combat. Sorry you're feeling bad Chris. Praying for you, rooting for you. Get better soon. ❤💕 xx
Come on Brave Jedi, use that Northern Grit to get those cells working. We're all sending you healing hugs.
Love for JR from Newcastle x fellow Northerner xxx

Lots of love coming your way from me. x x x x
Thinking of you, wishing you all the best and sending you a huge bag full of healing hugs. xxx
I too have missed our brave Jedi . Chris we are a circle of love and strength around you. So that force is with you . Get stong and well again . I am joining that group hug with you in the middle. lots of love Sandy xx
Best wishes Chris, If good thoughts could help you would be feeling better already.
Devastated to read this post. Hoping your road gets smooth again ASAP. If positive thoughts can do it - and I believe they can - you are not short of them coming your way from here. I'm sending masses too, and cyber hugs! We need your wit & wisdom here so get well & come back soon xxooxx
Thinking of you Chris, during a very difficult time but you can do it. Our thoughts and love are with you.xx
What a cherished man he is, our thoughts and prayers continually surround him and may all his courage be rewarded very very soon. Great pic of Twinkly - enough to cheer anyone up! Love to Chris. Tinkerbell13
Dear Chris,
Much love and support is winging your way. Keep fighting, keep positive even though it's tough. Never known such a human and the world is a brighter place because of YOU! Miss your quips and comments hugely - you are always an inspiration for us all. Heartfelt thoughts to you and your family who are fighting along side. I will think of you constantly.
Linda x
Love, hugs and best wishes x x
Im so sorry to hear Chris isnt too well , i havent been on here for few days so hadnt heard but yes i notice no recent post from him , so keep your chin up my friend and ypur spirits Regards Holly xx
Hey Chris, thinking of you and sending you luv and hugs, hope things pick up for you soon. Xxx
Positive vibes sent your way. Keep fighting and come back soon. Jeanie. XxX
Hugs and prayers-----should do the trick!! Best wishes JR from all of us.
I'm hoping that our chris is able to see these thoughts you are sending ,he's actually in the hospital again just now .not able to get online maybe ! Lets hope our wishes are creeping under doors ,slipping through cracks to reach the destination .willing him to stay focused ..to be strong ..twinkly. Xx
Love and hugs to you Chris - sorry your not well - hope you are soon back on the road to recovery you are so missed by everyone xxxx
Thoughts and prayers coming your way Jedi, you have always been an inspiration to others hoping all the warm thought, prayers and hugs you feel!!! Mickey
Wishing you all the best Jedi, your humour is sadly missed 😢
Sending warmth of healing thoughts and positive spirits.
Hello Chris. Sending you much love, and I hope you will soon be feeling a little better. Bye Gill
The force is strong in this one it is, no longer a reject or a young apprentice but a true Jedi.
Good luck and best wishes
I`ve just read through the many messages sent to you Chris and its is testament to your input on this forum that you have touched so many lives with your wise words. We all wish you well and miss your quirky northern humour. Please get well soon. Sue x
Sorry your feeling sh## . I haven't been on fir a month but had thought if you lately . I am looking forward to seeing your Christmas wig show over the next couple if weeks from your room with a view, I am sure you will find the energy to laugh soon. i've just toasted you🍷good fortune and strength young Jedi... May the force be with you.
So sorry to hear this Chris. Thinking of you xxx
Coming right at ya JR - you're looking good & hope feeling even better. My thoughts are with you. Much love, Poll x
Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery!
Sorry your not feeling the best Chris, thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery. Missing your wonderful Lancashire wit and wisdom x
So sorry to hear this about Chris, sending healing thoughts and prayers from Delaware in the USA. Be strong, you can fight this!!!
My thoughts and prayers for you. I hope you can take courage and strength from all these posts wishing you well
Feel the love brave knight
Thinking of you Chris and sending lots of love. Mel xx