Spent all day at hospital yesterday ,having tests ,my trial nurse holding my hand ..bless her heart .we have a thrombosis treatment team ..they were so on the ball.not wasteing a minute to check me out ,I'm now resting with my leg elevated ,it will slowly disperse into my calf ..it's a golf ball behind my knee joint ,because of rheumatoid arthritis in my old joints ,,being on the Majic trial has it's advantages I reckon ......keep twinkling ,,,,,
Ever heard of a bakers cyst??.no! Nor had I .it... - MPN Voice
Ever heard of a bakers cyst??.no! Nor had I .its symptoms are just like a thrombosis in the calf muscle ,I can't walk .had ultra sound scan

Hi Violet, just make sure that you do rest. Hope it goes away soon. Love Maz x x x x x
Hi twinkly . I have had a bakers cyst for years. My GP just said yes it's a bakers cyst, no treatment , it's just always there. Gives me no problems. I have ET .
BEst wishes Sandy.x
Yes Twinkly,had one years ago,great lump back of knee,strained it climbing a steep bank,it will go resting it as you are.Beautiful dog,used to show Golden Retrievers many years ago,so know the ropes!Good Luck on the trial .Bakers Cyst and the showing!
Thank you Inka , Nice to know a dog lover like me ,they make my world a happy place , I started in 60 ,s with German shepherd dogs , so intelligent and beautiful ,,I go to shows its frustrating now I can't run any more ,,but I try ...
Maybe we x paths ,we were showing in the 60's all over U K ch shows! Have had G S D'sfor as long,not show type tho,big sqare type,at this moment two,one U K police bred the young one is Fr bred.Like you they are my reason to keep going ,their company when I must rest ,they watch all the time and know well my good or bad days ,could not imagine a life without dogs.Hope your cyst is getting better,it is a fright ,I remember,until checked out.Mine was before PV,days,never know what to expect now,On a treble dose of Hydrea at moment as hematocrit has soared ,feel pretty ghastly,need two sticks to walk dogs,determined not to be beaten ,best wishes Twinkly,good to talk to dog person!
Get well soon Twinkly. X
Thank you all ,got the bed up on blocks ,,sitting with foot up on puffi Going to ch show Driffield racecourse tomorrow ,,determined , that's me!!! Xx
Hope you feeling better soon x Great to see you not letting it get you down and its not stopping you doing what you love Liz Cx
Thanks ,,I really try not to let this nuisance get me down ,the secret is to keep busy in the mind ,don't dwell on it..