I Also suffer with really bad joint ache in me knees , they feel like slabs of rock, really painful. i also get thick mucus in my throat, dry mouth and throat. I have been diagnosed with severe larynx muscle dysphonia, PND and possible silent reflux.
I drink 2 litres of water a day and 2 steams and just feel dehydrated and tired all the time, im just wondering if i could be iron deficent as i dont get much in my diet, or b12 deficient or another vitamin deficiency, i did ask my doctor for a lot of tests including these and full blood count, but i dont think he has done them, if i list below which test+results i have can someone tell me if it looks like i was tested for this and if not what i have to ask for, is it just full blood count, iron, b12, oh and arthritis as i think that could be to do with my joints.
urea and electrolytes
serum sodium level result= 141mmol/L ( range should be 135-145)
serum potassium level result 3.7mmol/L ( range should be 3.5-5.3) this was close to lower limit
serum biacarbonate level result 29mmol/L (was no guide range
serum creatinine level result 92 umol/L ( range should be 60-120)
serum urea level result 4.3 mmol/L( range should be 2.5- 6.5)
GFR calculated abbreviated MDRD result 83 mL/min/1.73m2( range should be above 90), so abnormal
liver function
serum total protein level result 71g/l ( range should be 60- 80)
serum albumin level result 46 g/L ( range should be 35-50) towards higher end?
serum globin level result 25 g/L ( range should be 25-35) boarderline below?
serum total birlirubin level result 14 umol/L ( range should be below 21)
serum alkaline phosphatase level result 84iu/L ( range should be 25-120)
AST serum level result 20iu/L ( range should be 5-40)
calcium profile
serum albumin level result 46 g/l ( range should be 35-50) top end?
serum calcium level result 2.38 mmol/L ( range should be 2.1-2.26)
corrected serum calcium level result 2.26 ( range should be 2.1-2.26)
serum gamma glutamyl transferase level result 12iu/L ( range should be below 50) is this low?
When i googled the one abnormality, the one boarderline and the reslut which was near the top end and the one at the lower end, they all came back with dehydration, anemia, artheritus, iron deficiency, b12....... so combined with my symptoms im thinking artheritus, iron or b12 deficiency, but my docotor says im fine and im struggling to get him to look into it even though i have a report from a speech therapist recomending i see a specialist physician to look into my symptoms!
Anyone have any advice ? and what tests i ask for?