Hi folks
Been here for a while and haven’t posted up until now. Two IVF rounds, the first ended in an early chemical pregnancy, the second I had to stop before taking hormones as I became depressed. That was in 2014 and the end of our ivf journey. Thought about adoption, saw a social worker who told us we needed to be married to adopt together and loss weight. Got married in 2013 because we loved each other and always planned to. I just got in with life after the depression but never grieved. It all hit me again earlier this year and I have now seen a counsellor and am going through the grieving process. I asked my husband to move out for a while to try a temporary separation on 22 July 2019. Have now realised I was not happy and don’t want to be married anymore. I love him but am not in love with him.l; that old cliche! I wonder how much this whole situation is down to not having children. Would like to hear from other people in this type of situation if possible. Thanks folks.