Hi Everyone
Our next More to Life webinar is on Wednesday 12th June. Our guest presenter is Rod Silvers who will be talking about the processing and communication problems that men can face with childlessness. This is not just for men to hear - we want everyone to join us if they can:
Former market stallholder and stand-up comic Rod Silvers has written plays and sketches for the Edinburgh Fringe, BBC Radio and is soon to publish his first novel. Last year he finished a run of his comedy play Terry and Jude exploring the lives of 2 single, older, childless men. The story was inspired by his 2011 film England Expects; following one man’s journey of IVF, which he also wrote and Co-Produced.
In this webinar Rod will give a narrative about childlessness from the male perspective and how he dealt with the consequences. He feels passionately that men are often over-looked and that society needs to change the way it responds to childless men as a modern life issue. Rod will share salient points from his own past experiences, where this has left him and how he faces the future.
Link to register: zoom.us/webinar/register/WN...
I hope you can join us.
Warmest wishes , Heather.