For the last year I've been suffering from posterior circulation migraines. The severity differs,sometimes it appears to others I may be having a stroke (in fact my first one I had a year ago hospital told me I was having a TIA) or sometimes I might have a bad headache,I'm currently taking amitriptyline to deal with the neurological symptoms. But recently I had a very severe attack,so bad I was unable to speak properly,impaired vision and numbness in my right arm and balance problems. When they did the CT scan with dye I was still in the middle of an attack,and what they found knocked me for six. The cause of these episodes was a spasaming artery in the back of my neck which affected blood flow to the brain. And the treatment was ace inhibitor tablets which relax the blood vessels and prevent them from happening,they said it is one of the causes of severe migraines. Now I feel so much better and only have mild to moderate headaches now which is a lot better than before.
Posterior circulation migraines - National Migraine...
Posterior circulation migraines
Wow never heard of it, sounds terrifying!
Hello there,I have read your post with interest.I have suffered migraines too for over 40 years.Various frequencies and intensities. Loss of vision auras etc.Numbness on occasions. I have been taking amitriptyline too since 2014 when my migraines had become also weekly.This worked for a few years,migraines were very infrequent and mild if they did happen.A problem with my thyroid(another hormone,many of my migraines were hormonal)caused them to come back.My GP prescribed proprananol, a beta blocker alongside the amitriptyline and it has worked.
I too have had an episode which terrified my daughter who thought I was having a stroke.I was confused,couldn't speak etc.She rang 999 and I was checked for TIA.They found it was a migraine.I have now changed to another beta blocker,atenonol, as proprananol was affecting my thyroid medication.I still sometimes get aura only,and maybe pressure in my head,but nothing like I used to get.Excruciating headache and vomiting for 24 hours with every movement.
The migraine trust does actually recommended beta blockers and some ACE inhibitors or calcium channel blockers as a preventative to try.Glad it has worked for you to.Only wish I could have found it sooner.
Hope you get them sorted soon,it's a shame really that I had to have such a severe attack for them to really probe hard into the cause. I found it strange when other migrainers said they had triggers etc but I never had those,sometimes they were sudden episodes without warning. They new it was due to posterior circulation but each time they scanned the episodes were over as sometimes they'd only last 10 mins,but the episode where they caught it lasted hours,I don't remember it at all and rely on my wife's account of events. The ace inhibitors have really helped and I feel calmer in myself,I still take amitriptyline as well,but I haven't had a severe attack for a while. I hope they find a good treatment for you 🤞🤞

I was diagnosed with a tia last year but apart from symptoms they couldn't say why it happened, I have been suffering with migraines and occular migraines. I also have lots of vision problems that come and go. I wonder if I'm similar to yourself
hello, this I know is a bit out of date. Reading your post has finally answered/fit symptoms of the peculiar ' medical episode' I had a couple of weeks ago. So thanks for posting! Best wishes x