Horrible migraines: Hello everyone, i... - National Migraine...

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Horrible migraines

Kevin160 profile image
25 Replies

Hello everyone, i used to get migrained every few months or so, i got laser eye surgery and stopped getting migraines for a whole year, until today... i thought i was ok, and if i were to get migraines again they wont be severe.

I started to get really bad tunnel vision, i am used to that so i relaxed on my bed and tried to calm down, sometimes i get really bad tingling and heaviness in one of my hands but i am also used to that..

What i wasnt used to was suddenly being unable to form words and comprehend things, it was the most terrifying that to happen to me, i was barely able to get words out and my memory was struggling to pick the right words, my tounge even started tingling and i panicked because i felt like i was about to chock, i couldnt understand what im reading, and also was not able to comprehend.

Then i got a bit better and thought it had passed, until i got another attack of tunnel vision half an hour after

I had never, EVER had a more severe form of migraine, and i was so upset and scared because i had laser eye surgery i used to get a migraine every few months but they are relatively mild in comparison to today, i am so worried especially since it happened twice today, im not sure if i should go to the ER because i keep getting better and then worse and so on, i feel better now in terms of vision and memory, but i have a horrible headache and im not suspecting its a stroke lol, but i am seriously scared because usually my migraines are not like that.

What should i do, i am a university student this will effect my grades and my life it becomes more frequent and severe,

I was cleaning the bathroom when this happened and im not sure if chemicals triggered it, or maybe because i didnt eat all day, but i am so surprised that i had two migraines in a row and one of them was severe to a point where i lost my ability to comprehend and read., in addition to numbness and tingling in my mouth, toungue, and hand,

UPDATE (following day), i ended up going to the ER yesterday as my migraine continued to worsen which never happened before, usually it is only 30 minutes of vision problems and thats it, but yesterday after the speech and memory fog, i got scans and tests and it was all clear, not sure where to go from here honestly.

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Kevin160 profile image
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25 Replies
newbie1956 profile image

Hi Kevin,

i've never had a migraine headache but have heard that some migraine attacks also cause numbness, weakness, trouble speaking, confusion, visual changes, and vertigo.

Please try not to worry because it may never happen again.

If it does happen, there are doctors who treat migraines.

All the best to you. <3

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to newbie1956

I have been getting them for 7 years, and i was used to the numbness and the vision problems, but today was extremely severe, with speech and brain fog, i felt so scared because i felt like i was having a stroke, I ended up getting another migraine after an hour and i went ti the ER just in case, they got me a brain scan and they ruled out anything serious, but sadly the doctors dont really have a cure for migraines, so its pretty much hopeless, i just feel scared because it progressed so much today and i have no one to help me or anything for me to do about it, i will keep exploring and consulting doctors but its genetic as mother used to have them.

newbie1956 profile image
newbie1956 in reply to Kevin160

Kevin,My nephew had migraines for several years.

He said it was horrible. Tried many pain relivers.

But suddenly it stopped & it's been many years.

He's happy now as you can imagine.

Who knows how these things happen?

Keep us posted

Onthemove1971 profile image

Please go to to the ER.. or check your student health center for what you should do in an emergency. Please let us know what the put come is.

Even if it is a migraine you need medications to stop it or you could be in pain for a long time.

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to Onthemove1971

I actually did, because it was so much more severe than i was used to, but i wasnt worried it could be a stroke im only 20 and the symptoms keep coming and going, i got a CT and blood tests and everything was fine, the doctors continued to gaslight me and say its stress eventhough i was litteraly clearning a bathroom when the attack started. Not sure where to go from there, neurologists and drs do not have any cure or treatment that works, and my symptoms are worsening.

Onthemove1971 profile image
Onthemove1971 in reply to Kevin160

Recommend seeing a "migraine specialist". They are doctors who only treat patients with migraines. Listen to the "Heads Up" podcast to learn about prevention. Start preventing the episodes on a daily basis. By taking Magnesium ( there are 4-5 different types) daily and anything else that works ( I take Feverfew and Magnesium Glycinate 3x daily).

Drink..drink..drink water. Don't skip NY meals and add protein. When you feel the first hint of pain in you head treat it. Ice on back and neck. Hot peppermint tea. If pain continues take something else. Do not sit in pain or it will get in the cycle and you may not get out for a long time.

With the right treatment you can do well.

Good luck!

Gambit62 profile image

As it is new it probably is worth going to ER or seeing a doctor.You might find it useful to listen to some of the Headsup podcasts produced by the National Migraine Centre who sponsor this forum


Unfortunately migraines can change in character and severity with age but it sounds as if what you are experiencing could be hemiplegic headaches or cluster headaches.

The series also talks about treatment and adaptations (mainly lifestyle changes that can help to reduce either frequency or severity of attacks so may give you something concrete to talk about as options with a medical professional

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to Gambit62

I did go to the ER, scans and tests all clear thankfully, this is going to sound like sick thinking, but i had mixed emotions about everything being ok, only because i felt sad that this means i cant find a cure...im going to keep revising with a neurologist and see if there is anything i can do.

Gambit62 profile image
Gambit62 in reply to Kevin160

there are definitely things that you can do - its just a case of working out what works for you.

Cavapoochonowner profile image

hello there, I have had migraines since I was 14 years old( for over 40 years).Mostly they have been similar, aura with sparlky lights in my eyes, increased sense of smell, sensitive to noise, numbness in my hand and arm, numbness on one side of my face, and of course severe head ache and vomiting.However last year for the first time ever I too suffered similar to you.I couldn't get my words out.I could think of what to say but couldn't seem to get my mouth to say it.I tried and didn't even know if I was getting any words out or if it was a load of gobbledygook.It was very frightening and also embarrassing.My daughter was frightened to death and rang for an ambulance thinking I was having a stroke. I was taken to hospital for checks and a scan and that ruled out a stroke.It probably lasted up to half an hour and then was gone.I have not had anything like that before or since.Although I have had my eyes "go funny" as I call it more than once in the same day, or on a few consecutive days with no headache and I do believe you can have aura without the headache coming on.I am taking 20mg amitriptyline per night as a preventative and now 20mg proprananol 3xaday as a preventative also.My migraines have got worse again as I am now suffering with graves disease which affects your thyroid and they seem to have returned.By all means go and have it checked out with your doctor.There may be medication you can take to either prevent them or treat them when they come on.Hopefully my experience will reassure you.Best wishes to you.

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to Cavapoochonowner

Thank you for your advice, and i wish you all the best too.

Cat00 profile image

Sounds like the start of a hemiplagic migraine. I would go to the GP to confirm plus if you go to the doctor now and start the process you won't have to wait so long to see the right person in the end.

I did my degree with chronic migraines, it was hard and I took a year longer bc I had to take 9 months off in the middle of it. But I did get my degree and I got good grades and that's with migraine 50% of the time. If you want it badly enough you'll be able to do it.

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to Cat00

Im going to try my best, im almost half way there but im worried the migraines could worsen, its starting to effect my sight and speech more severly,

Cat00 profile image
Cat00 in reply to Kevin160

It's going to be harder for you but stress will make it worse so try and not add to it by worrying too much about how they may or may not get. When I was at uni you could apply for "mitigating circumstances" this gave you some leeway on your grades to help people with disabilities. I would go to your advisors and enquire how to apply for it. That way you know you have done what you can and so it could lesson your worries.

Try sleep at regular intervals, make your life as routine as possible, eat regularly, exercise regularly, its boring but it stops your brain becoming over excitable. Migrainous brains need routine, above all else. Make sure your lecturers know what's going on too.

1518 profile image

Hi Kevin, that sounds really scary, hope things have settled for you. I know the health service in UK is completely different to elsewhere in the world and not sure where you are but I would urge you to seek medical advice. When we have migraine we can assume all weird symptoms are down to that but if the symptoms aren’t the normal ones for the type of migraine you get then they should be investigated further. Take care and good luck.

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to 1518

Thank you so much, i did go and everything is clear, which i think i should be thankfuk for, but its bittersweet when you know this only means it is a migraine and no one can provide any help or comfort.

1518 profile image

I know, it's awful, the condition is so underestimated, most of the time we suffer in silence because others just don't understand and when we do share they can minimise it, hope you find help soon-be persistent with your GP and ask for a referral to a neurologist if your GP can't help.

Wales99 profile image

Bless you that is so frightening. I have chronic migraines but very occasionally I will get migraine with aura. This is where I literally can’t see - part of my vision is just “whited out” and then I get zig zag lines going across my vision. This happened just before Christmas & like you, for the first time ever, my mind went completely blank. I couldn’t speak or think of words. I was looking at my calendar & I’d written covid booster on one of the days & I literally didn’t know what it meant- i was desperately trying to grasp it but I just couldn’t. Really scary. Could be yours was brought on by cleaning- it involves a lot of bending up & down which I find can affect me. Also not eating can always trigger one for me. I’m guessing you are in USA, I’m in UK & medical care is very different here but can you maybe talk to your GP and see what they suggest? Take care & try not to worry too much. 😊.

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to Wales99

Thank you so much for your kind wishes, im currently thinking of revising with a neurologist eventhough i did for a couple times, but maybe i can start going on meds that might help, alot of people tell me to take baby aspirin or magnesium, i will also try to limit trigger as much as possible.

Wales99 profile image

Magnesium is supposed to be good. There are lots of meds you can take for prevention if you are getting them frequently. Including an injection that you can have once a month. It’s a battle to get that in the UK but I think easier in US. There is hope & help out there so don’t despair. Migraine is a horrible illness & I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. 😊

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to Wales99

Yesterday it was so hard not to feel hopeless while i was lying in the ER, because i knew the doctors would not really care, i knew there was no magic potion i could take, i knew my family would not understand because im the only one who gets them this severe, only my mom used to get migraines a long time ago, so its a battle finding someone who would tell me that so thank you, im going to try not to let this effect me as much.

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to Kevin160

Oh bless you. I know exactly how you feel. It’s so hard to find the positive when you feel like that. Especially when you are on your own. People find it hard to understand when they don’t suffer from it. Try to find someone you can talk to if you can. You are definitely not alone!

Onthemove1971 profile image
Onthemove1971 in reply to Kevin160

When I go to the ER it is in my profile how to treat my migraines. I usually walk in at a pain level of 10 out of 10. I walk out at about a 3/2. They give me a cocktail of medicine with lots of IV fluid. Anti-inflammatory, Anti-Nausa and Migraine relief.

It is also important to take a higher dose of migraine medicine if when you take a lower dose the migraine doesn't go away.

After about 3 months of taking Magnesium your migraines will get less painful, then you will get less in week, then they really fade. But you still need to keep up with daily treatments to help.

Good luck we are all suffering with you.

babs1234 profile image

There is no rhyme or reason to the symptoms of these damn migraine. The structure of mine have changed many times over the years. At least you know you haven’t had a stroke. It could possibly be a one off. Chemicals can trigger a migraine

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to babs1234

Yeah im thankful, and i will try to avoid triggers as much as possible.

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