Migraines have totally ruined my life . They are very severe and when I have a bad one I use imigran injection sometimes 4 times in 24 hours which I know is very unsafe but it's the only thing that helps. I have tried all treatments without success. I would say migraine affects me everyday now to varying degrees. Is anyone else like me??
Migraines for 30 years: Migraines have... - National Migraine...
Migraines for 30 years

I also had my first migraine 30 years ago. I have spent endless money trying every alternate treatment on offer with no luck. I now take beta blockers as a last resort and the migraines are now much less frequent. I have triggers which I try to avoid, alcohol is out of the question but being upset is a strong one and as you can imagine this has to be faced. The migraines changed my life for the worse and my only envy in life is wishing for an existence without them.
I am really sorry to hear how you suffer and I can relate to you and you have my greatest sympathy although that does not help you .You would think the medical profession would come up with some kind of cure when they can do heart transplants etc. I do pray you can find a doctor that can help you soon.I am in the same boat at the moment trying to get help since having meningitis last June headaches 27/7.If by luck I find out anything I will post it.I wish you well .1251
Never posted before, but saw yours & wanted you to know you are not alone! I take a lot of comfort from this site but sometimes come away feeling teensy bit guilty that there are often (& as fellow chronic sufferer we understand often!) times even with all my other preventatives, diets, "lifestyle" changes, and as many dark rooms as I can shake a stick at (quietly of course) blah blah - nothing other than reaching for the Triptans daily/twice/tri gets me through the day - and we all need to get through the day.
So thank you for your post & making me feel better about this day, big hug. x
Thank you for leaving your message. I feel so scared that I overuse Triptans so much but it is the only thing that gives me any relief as the pain is so so severe. I see a neurologist but nothing is giving me any relief other than 2 weeks after a GON which I am trying to get again. I was so pleased to hear that you understand .
Hi Kate. Yes I have had them almost daily for 3 years now. Nothing has worked long term. I had a Daith piercing 3 weeks ago and that has helped enormously. 2 minor ones sinc. Today I have a bad headache but I have a really heavy cold so I'm hoping that is the cause and not the migraines starting agai. I haven't gone so long without pain for 3 years so it might be worth you considering that. You have nothing to look se apart from the cost.
I live my life just like you. Life is very difficult. Recently I eliminated substitute sugars from my diet. It did help. I have had to change my diet completely over the last yr. it does help.
I am like you and suffered for 20 years. I frequently use imigran injections. Changed my diet etc tried assorted medication . But nothing seems to work
Know what your going through so big hugs
From vanessa
Thank you very much everyone . It's a comfort to know there are other people like me. Today I feel ok after a severe migraine that's lasted a week . Probably used around 16 injections in that time as the pain is appalling and I have to get through each day. I know I will wake again with another one . X
Rather similar experiences: I average 15 lost days a month. Imigran actually causes more trouble than its worth but its very very difficult to deal with the implications: there are no easy solutions but many consultants have told me that I have a major migraine problem and an equally major drug overuse problem: like most of the patients they see. Imigran generates rebound headaches quite independently of the underlying migraine. The only thing to do is suffer for 17 hours and suddenly the pain just stops. Then the problem is to resist taking any more imigran, even when the pain is awful. Just suffer it. Gradually, you will find the headaches are both less frequent and much less severe and respond to aspirin providing you don't overdo the aspirin. It's hellishly difficult: I've been taking Imigran for about twenty five years. Every now and again I manage to come completely off them, feel better than I have for years for a few weeks but I know that if there's a work crisis, it will be tempting just to have one injection and so on and so on...
First time on here but need to share. I've suffered migraine for 37yrs, managed them with sumatriptan 100mg tablets and injections when I just want knocked out due to severity of pain. The past 12mths my life was put on hold. Multiple migraines a day, one on top of the other. Neurologists diagnosed hemocranie continua. I've had every tablet known to man, occipital nerve block ( they done nothing at all) migraine botox twice with no results at all. DHE treatment during a 4 day stay in hospital hooked up to a heart machine, still no results. ...one day I googled all my symptoms and was directed to a TMJ website.I had every single symptom. I had a pri ate GP inject my TMJ and 24hrs later NO Migraine! ! No headache! ! No dizzyness. I have a wee bit ofa wooly head but my concentration levels are returning. So far so good. Look into TMJ symptoms it just might be you.
I need to add a bit more to this....injections into TMJ worked within hours, it's been 5 days now and I have a migraine but it's that time of the month! I am going for blood tests today to check hormone levels. I have the marina but GP thinks I need oestrogen gel. I'll update when results are in 😀
Hi I use Imigran injections also have morphine patch that is on 24/7 plus oramorph the pain is like a living nightmare have had them for 22 years at times I wish I could just go to sleep and not wake up again so I feel great empathy for anyone who suffers with migraine,I've had people say it's just a bad headache why can't you come into work,if only !!!!