Migraine Hopelessness can’t do it any... - National Migraine...

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Migraine Hopelessness can’t do it anymore

Jazmynk97 profile image
13 Replies

Hello migraineurs,

I’ve been dealing with migraines with aura for 7 years. they’ve been increasing to the point of chronic migraine with aura every single day if I’m not on preventive medications I was on amitriptyline and it stopped working & gave me extremely dry eyes.. now I’m on propranolol stopped working so I increased dose and it caused me to be extremely dizzy, shake and have breathing problems ( serious side effect). Also tried rizatriptan doesn’t work either.

Just left the doctor today & im feeling extremely defeated/ upset he told me he doesn’t know what else to do & he can’t help me anymore. Either to take the propranolol or don’t regardless of my severe side effects. He also told me to take 3 Advil’s/Tylenol every day even though I’ve explained that gives me rebound headaches. Now I’m going to have to stop the medication and suffer with migraines every day until I can see a neurologist in hopes of trying aimovig my appointment is 60+ days away and now the rest of my summer & birthday will also be ruined lol.

I’ve been taking magnesium,b12,coq10 & multi vitamins to try and prevent no luck and it’s been a few months ... I don’t know what to do anymore dealing with chronic pain & my mental illness is leaving me feeling extremely defeated I feel like giving up at this point I don’t want to live like this I’m 20 years old.

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Jazmynk97 profile image
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13 Replies


I really feel for you. My hubby has migraines but not as often as you. He's been give co codamol 30/500 and imugran spray, both have worked. See if go or another one can give you these. Please take care Lynne

Codpuss profile image

I understand that feeling, i had it myself for years. I spent 6 years misdiagnosed and then for the past 2 anda half years i've had a migraine every single day, it never goes away and used to be very severe. I spent 2 years of my life in bed. I was so hopeless and depressed, after trying multiple drugs, diet etc which didn't work. I saw a headache specialist who put me on flunarizine and it's helped me feel up to about 70% better. You actually haven't tried that many options - there are lots of drugs available, over 30 i think, also botox, cefaly and other options. A neurologist will be able to help ypu, make no mistake, don't letthe despondency of your doctor make you feel defeated. GPs barely know anything about migraines. A neurologist has lots of options to try. Don't give up. I wanted to die because i felt so terrible, now i finally feel better. You will too.

Jazmynk97 profile image
Jazmynk97 in reply to Codpuss

I will look into flunarizine thank you! It’s good to know other people have gotten past this & I’m not alone thank you

Gunj_redjem profile image
Gunj_redjem in reply to Codpuss

I’m also taking flunarizine for severe migraines..in how much time did it help you 70%?

Codpuss profile image
Codpuss in reply to Gunj_redjem

3 months. But everyone is different.

goldiegirl888 profile image

Stay on amitripline takw it at night less side affects

chicolini profile image

have you tried low dose aspirin? (preventatvie, not as a pain killer). It works for me. I take 100mg on alternate days,. It stops the aura happening, and, in my case, no progression to headache/nausea etc. You could take 100mg a day. They are usually enteric coated, and even though I have a long history of stomach and gut issues, the aspirin has never caused me any stomach trouble at all. I take it in the early evening with my meal. It's a long complicated theory about how this prevents aura, but you can google it. "Cortical spreading depression and microembloism" or just "aspirin prevents migraine aura". Good luck.

Jazmynk97 profile image
Jazmynk97 in reply to chicolini

Have you ever gotten rebound headaches if I take other over the counter pain killers for multiple days in a row it gives me rebound headaches (Advil Aleve Tylenol)

chicolini profile image
chicolini in reply to Jazmynk97

No, the dose of aspirin is not a therapeutic pain killing dose. 50mg a day of aspirin for aura prevention versus a 300mg dos for pain killing effect.

Onthemove1971 profile image

I have felt this way on the past. I have learned that Migraines are caused by other things going on in our body, do you have other health issues ( many times it's back and neck issues)

I have some advice that will really help:

1. Ask to go see a "headace specialist"- they are MD's that only work with people who have migraines, they will have answers for you! Promise..

2. Go to this site and start watching any video that relates to you:


3. This about what you are taking and if your "treatment plan" is not stopping your migraine then you need to change it.

From what I have learned if you take certain medications to much it causes you to go into chronic migraines.

There are many options that you can still investigate: Neuromouduators? Sleep, ice, Injections? Oxygen?

There is hope, please look into this site. I spent a week attending as many workshops and they changed my life. They are not interested in selling anything, they have migraines and know what this journey is like.

Best of luck!

arici75 profile image

Dear Jazmynk97,

my heart goes to you. I know very well how it is to feel completely defeated and utterly drained by the constant pain. I am 43 and I have been suffering from migraines for the last 11 years. The last five years they had become chronic. Like you I was on propranolol and had the same side effects so I stopped taking it. Because none of the anti-inflammatory over the counter drugs worked for me, and the fact I could not take stronger drugs because of stomach issues I ended up taking too many Sumatriptan pills that gave me rebound migraines, affected my heart and stopped being efficient. So I had to reduce them drastically. I was really scared of Topamax so my neurologist offered me Sybellium (flunarizine) which is supposed to have less sever side effects. I have been taking it for a month and I already see a great improvement. I have started with the lowest dose possible. My neurologist said to me: ”Medically speaking, there is no cure for migraines, but you have to try everything in the hope that something will work for you.” So I have taken that in a positive way. And I am trying several different things. I notice that my migraines are related to a constantly painful shoulder and neck, I saw an osteopath and a physiotherapist that are specialised in migraines and that helped me a lot. I stole some ideas from them and now I can do a self-massage with peppermint essential oil and that helps, combined with some neck and shoulder exercises. Like you I am taking some supplements and follow a gluten-free diet. I am photosensitive and I protect my eyes from too much sunlight and the blue light from computers and mobile screens. I also try to treat my other medical issues like my Hashimoto and my connective tissue disease. Sometimes underlying medical issues could play a big part in your migraines. As for me, for the first time in a loooong time I feel much better. I don't think you have exhausted all the options that are out there, so don't let the monster called despair paralyze you and dare experimenting more.

Jazmynk97 profile image
Jazmynk97 in reply to arici75

When I meet with the neurologist I’m going to mention that medication! This month I’m trying gluten and dairy free diet to see if that will change and hopefully reduce the # of migraines or maybe even stop them all together! Thank you for the advice

Moon_Struck profile image
Moon_Struck in reply to arici75

Really useful reply, thank you for sharing your experience.

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