What are people using to treat their chronic migraine? (I have aura) I’ve tried so many things that have provided little to no relief and I am wondering about any lifestyle changes, holistic practices, or medications that anyone has found helpful? Also are their any books people have read on migraines that are like a self help book? TIA
Chronic migraine relief : What are... - National Migraine...
Chronic migraine relief

BOTOX is the only thing that has helped my chronic migraines nothing else had any impact. I tried 13 different drugs, GON injections, acupuncture and a chiropractor, a cephaly device and tens machine and a few supplements and probably other things that I forgotten.
Thanks! BOTOX isn’t working for me 😭
I am on a waiting list for Botox. Have aura, sickness and chronic pain. Takes me 4/5 days for me to feel normal again.
Awe poor you! I guess your only option left would be Erenumab/Aimovig then? If you've tried everything else.
A lot of people take Magnesium and other supplements like CoQ10 but the evidence for their efficacy is inconclusive so personally I wouldn't waste my money. Of course if nothing works and youre getting desperate I'd probably give anything a go though!
I had Botox 4 weeks ago and it has actually made my migraines more frequent.
Hi, I’ve had every and any treatment ranging from Propanalol etc at the onset to acupuncture, tech devices and then DHE and now Botox. They’ve all reduced at the onset however after a while no longer work. Botox is new - I’m on my 2nd lot now and am again hopeful this’ll work, if not I don’t know what alternatives are left.
I have migraine and chronic daily headache and would try anything.
I used to take a lot of triptans which made them manageable, but didn't help the menstrual migraine. I now take Aimovig shots and hardly have migraine at all. I get menstrual migraine still, but less severe and the triptans will help me get rid of them now, along with ice on my neck and/or volteran gel (diclofenac).
I have been lucky enough to be on a clinical trial for Ajovi - one of the new CGRP drugs - and am virtually migraine-free. I was a chronic migraneur and had tried just about everything. Botox did change things for the better for me as I used to only have 2-3 migraine-free days a month and they weren’t great days as I was so shattered. Life really was difficult then. Botox reduced the number and severity of attacks but I was still a chronic sufferer with 18-20 days a month. The new CGRP drugs are is life-changers. I never thought I’d live a normal life.
Wow! Sounds wonderful, Botox really takes my frequency down so im a lot better than i was but im still having too many, hopefully the NHS will let these CGRP drugs through this August, fingers crossed!
They are really are game-changers. I never thought I'd be able to live life like I do now. I was told at the beginning of treatment that the fact that I had responded well to Botox boded well for the CGRP drugs and that I was likely to benefit from them which has certainly been the case. It sounds as if you would too and I can't recommend them highly enough. Hopefully, the price will come down enough for the NHS to approve them.
Ooh didn't know that responding well to Botox boded well for CGRP drugs. I had 13 days of migraine out 30 which just takes me out of the 15 day a month threshold for various treatments but that is when I'm on Botox so I'm still worn out plus it's not the only chronic pain condition I have so any hope is wonderful really. Thanks for letting me know I'm seeing my neurologist next week so I'll mention it to her.
Have you tried removing gluten from your diet? I removed it due to thyroid disease as my body became very intolerant to it and it’s had a massive impact on my migraines. I still get them, but they’ve gone from five or so migraines with aura a month to maybe one every six months.
I've have been having everyday chronic migraines for over 10 years now, no medications have helped me. I got the dhe infusion through the drip for 3 years which helped reduce my pain alot, but now started to get botox treatment which hasn't been as successful for me they have made me really sick and migraines a lot worse, everyone responded to treatments and medication differently so will help some people but unfortunately not me.
I found a cure to my migraines with aura. I always used to say, "Who knows when I will have the next one??" But now I know the answer to that question, that answer is ME. I am in control of what I put into my body, which is being able to have control of the effects it has on my body. I changed my mindset of eating/health and I have not had a migraine with aura for the past couple of months. You can check out my previous posts crying for help, but I am happy to say that I am out of that zone. Please let me know if I could help any of you.
I would love to hear more about this my migraines are not hormonal or menstrual migraines however, not sure there is much of a difference, I saw one of your posts saying you spent a lot of money for the help unfortunately with all these copays right now I’m struggling financially so it is hard
Right. I had to take out a loan just for my medical, that is when I said no & went all in with my woman’s health nutritionist because her clients only had the same things that I get to say now that I dedicated myself to this lifestyle/mindset change. You could e-mail me : mytamura@hawaii.edu OR I think there is a chat option here?
Have you tried drinking a can of full fat Coke at the first signs of an attack? I discovered this last summer when I was suffering in the heat with daily migraine and couldn't use painkillers more than 2/3 days per week.
I was dubious but amazingly it stopped the attack within 30 mins!
I have combined this on occasions with yoga ( legs up the wall) and it has been my greatest non medicinal tool.
My headache nurse thinks it's the caffeine but I don't.
I have tried espresso, which has a lot more caffeine than Coke, and it gave no relief ; also Coke only contains 35 mg per can which is lower than caffeine content in tea.
Coke was originally marketed as a medicine and one of its claims was to help " sick headache ".
Try it out you may be as surprised and delighted as I was and still am!
Ps Diet Coke has the opposite effect for me as it contains aspartame (artificial sweetener) which is one of my triggers.