My 63 year old father has been suffering cluster migraines and migraines with aura for the past 45 years. Worringly, over the past two years he has had three DVT's - the last clot he had broke apart and made it to one of his lungs. At first, the specialists suspected he may have a pulmonary embolism, but this was found not to be the case. As my father suffered a mild heart attack 15 years ago, he had numerous tests (echo tests, etc) and was given the all clear.
It is my suspicion that the root of his DVT may be connected to his migraines. During some initial research, I found evidence to suggest that migraine with aura may be an independent risk factor for stroke, involving prothrombin factor 1 and the activation of the coagulation system in the brain . Is there sufficient eveidence to support this proposition? What is currently known about migraines with aura and DVT?
Some family history : my father is one of six. 3 of his siblings have both bipolar and peti(sp? ) or grand mal epilepsy. I have bipolar and several of my cousins and his other siblings experience migraine with aura.
Just before i go, my father visited a haematologist who told him he didnt believe the DVT was related to the migraines. However , I believe a second opinion is warranted.
Any infomation would be greatly appreciated