Hi All
Yesterday, I had the most awful migraine.
In order to get of it, I went out for a long walk in the park. It reduced quite a bit but did not completely stop.
When I got home, the migraine returned with force.
I read somewhere, that applying cabbage leaves to the forehead could alleviate migraine. It made sense to me. I used cabbage leaves to reduce mastitis whilst breastfeeding and it worked. Apparently, there is an enzyme in cabbage that reduces inflammation.
I then bought one from the local store. I put the cabbage in the fridge for half an hour and then placed some the leaves on my head and forehead. I then wrapped my head with a towel and had a lie down for around 45 minutes. In between relaxing, I drank lots of sips of water.
I am now migraine free. I don't know how long this will last, but my head more clear than after taking lots of medication.
Maybe you would like to give it a try. It beats having side effects from prescription and over the counter medication.