Migraine/ Headache Clinic: At my... - National Migraine...

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Migraine/ Headache Clinic

Sparklingsunshine profile image

At my request I've been referred to the local migraine clinic via my GP. Heard back from them today and my appointment is in March! Has anyone else experienced long delays and are the clinics worthwhile?

The other option is to go private, just wondering if anyone has experience of private migraine centres, or private neurologists who can prescribe? I'm not taking any anti migraine meds currently but have tried at least 7 in the past.

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Sparklingsunshine profile image
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15 Replies
Roonie22 profile image

Hello, yes! I had to wait a year from referral to actual appointment at a NHS migraine clinic. During the wait, I made an appointment at The National Migraine Centre (in the UK). I paid for an appointment so it was quick, but you can wait for a free appointment. The doctors can prescribe meds but they will be on a private prescription so expensive. Have a look at their website, lots of info on it. Good luck!

Sparklingsunshine profile image
Sparklingsunshine in reply to Roonie22

I had a look and that was my concern tbh. I can afford to pay for a consultation, but its the ongoing cost of the medication that concerns me. No idea how they are but not cheap I suspect.

Pingez profile image

Good morning. Are you in the UK, or elsewhere? I have done both NHS and privately. Like you, I had to wait some while to access my local headache team at Sheffield hospital, but whilst there was offered a single CGRP drug Emgality. Appointments were by telephone every 3 months. This worked brilliantly but only lasted 9 weeks. Obviously I developed antibodies to the treatment. I then thought I could simply switch to another drug, but this proved impossible as you are only allowed to try 1 kind on the NHS. If it ultimately fails, even if it worked initially, you cannot try others. Barmy I know. This led me to go privately in order to try other types on offer. Initially, I went to Dr Lily, a private neurologist in Leeds Spire Hospital which I attended face to face. I tried Botox, and the other 2 injection drugs, but nothing worked as well as Emgality. Because I wanted to try Vyepti, the infusion drug, I then had to switch to the National Migraine Centre, because Dr Lily could not get hold of this drug.

I am currently trialling this with some success, but have to travel a considerable distance to access it - Rochester in Kent.

In the meantime, I have been successful in getting my local gp to finance Remegepant to work alongside Vyepti, as I found it worked better together. ( after buying this directly from Lloyd's pharmacy for some months).

So, what do I recommend? Well, you get what you want quicker if you go privately, but treatment is expensive. Fortunately my husband has a good pension and is incredibly supportive so I am fortunate to be able to pick and choose.

If you can get success with the NHS, it's obviously cheaper, but there are strict guidelines they have to follow when offering treatment. You also have to complete detailed diaries of your treatment and progress which you have to submit each month.

And you cannot double up treatment under the NHS, even though the growing wisdom is that combined treatments often give better results.

I wish you luck in your choice and can speak again if you think I can be of any help.

Kind regards.

Sparklingsunshine profile image
Sparklingsunshine in reply to Pingez

Yes I'm in the UK, my appointment isnt until March, apparently they only have one specialist nurse for headaches, not the two they advertise. Frustratingly my Neurologist who I last saw 2 years ago has switched over to full time Neurophysiology so isnt seeing migraine patients anymore.

I can easily afford the consultation fee,its the ongoing cost of medication that concerns me. I'm already paying for Low Dose Naltrexone for my Fibromyalgia, so more private meds could be an issue. Do you mind me asking how much the CGRP meds are please?

Pingez profile image
Pingez in reply to Sparklingsunshine

Well, they have gone down a bit in price since they were first available, especially the gepants, but Vyepti, the 3 month infusion costs about £700 each time. Aimovig from Pharmaxo costs about £800 every 3 months ( it's cheaper than getting it each month). The gepants are about £270 per month.

So, like I said, it's a few thousand every year. I've spent a small fortune over the last few years. And you also have to factor in the consultancy fees. At National Migraine Centre, the first private appointment is dearer but subsequent ones cheaper and you can do phone consultancy which cuts down on travelling.

I wish you luck. It's so debilitating and wearing. It affects me in so many ways. I suffer from sickness and had lost weight steadily over the years until my weight reached 7 and a half stone, from over 11. I knew I had to do something or I would have simply wasted away.

Kind regards.

soul22 profile image

Hi nice to meet you

Oh no long waiting list

My amitriptyline helps my vestibular migraine

Hope you get help sooner

Sparklingsunshine profile image
Sparklingsunshine in reply to soul22

Unfortunately it did nothing for me apart from give me the shakes and palpitations 😒. I know it helps a lot of people.

Wrexham16 profile image


My first appointment was a long time in advance but I kept trying for a cancellation and did see someone a lot sooner. It took a long time trying other meds before I was prescribed a CRGP but a friend of mine paid privately through the national migraine centre. She paid £5000 for a year of Ajovy but then the person she was seeing there persuaded the NHS that they should fund future injections. Obviously I don't know if that would be the case for everyone.

Sparklingsunshine profile image
Sparklingsunshine in reply to Wrexham16

I asked about a cancellation list. They don't operate one. Plus they confirmed the one headache nurse they do have only works part time.

So the mystery of the long wait has been resolved. No wonder people go private.

Chleo11 profile image

Hello. You can ask your GP to write a letter which you will use to see à private consultant. However, the consultant will write à report back to your GP advising which medic to prescribe. The medic will be therefore at the price of NHS prescriptions. Except for Gepants, which you can't have at this stage.

Sparklingsunshine profile image
Sparklingsunshine in reply to Chleo11

It's the Gepants I'm interested in as nothing else has worked. Hence my concern at ongoing costs. I feel like I'm in last chance saloon.

Chleo11 profile image

In Kent, Gepants cannot be prescribed under the NHS. I'm taking them via the NHS and I have to pay for it. No single medic works for everyone, for your own sake, don't expect a miracle. Everyone is different. You can still see à private consultant in order to get a review of your condition and they may come up with different suggestions.

Sparklingsunshine profile image
Sparklingsunshine in reply to Chleo11

We can have them but with caveats, you have to have tried 3 different meds from 3 different groups ie, beta blockers, anti depressants etc. Which I have.

No I've long gone past hoping for miracles. I'd just like not to feel like I'm swaying all the time. I feel like its taken over my life over the past two years. Its thoroughly miserable and I'd just like some relief.

Chleo11 profile image
Chleo11 in reply to Sparklingsunshine

If you can pay you can get them via online pharmacies. You only need to have an online consultation with à doctor. I don't really understand how this all works but you can check. Yes I know, so difficult. And then you get some people, family or work, commenting that you are not a really joyous person. Really? Aren't I? I let you take my pain and I take your boundless energy. All the best.

Sparklingsunshine profile image
Sparklingsunshine in reply to Chleo11

Thank you and to you. I have several other health issues, hypotbyroid, pernicious anemia and Ehlers Danlos, I've been battling with chronic illness since my 30's but the last two and a half years have been absolute hell. The problem I find is trying to describe to people how it feels.

My husband, bless him, is a chronic migraineur as well but his are the more usual kind, he doesnt get the balance and dizziness issues, but he's been a brick. He knows what its like. Thank you for all your help.

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