Ok so I'm doing better at the moment. I've started to do some exercise again and I'm motivated enough to eat more healthy again and most of the time I'm okay with myself even managed to go to a job-centre appointment yesterday and have casual small talk with some strangers, that gave me quite a confidence boost.
Then I would have had a course in the evening, but I was really late for it and panicked. I should have left earlier. I just hate being late. Part of why I was late is that there were people in the corridor outside my flat.
And if I am honest I avoid other people in the corridor or lift if I can help it.The weird thing is that people in the lift are normally quite friendly and alright.
But what really bugs me are my neighbours. They don´t just use the corridor to leave or enter their flat, no they leave their door open, stand around and chat with two or three other neighbours, they let their children play football and ride their bikes there. The teenagers and Chavez stand around smoking pot and chatting.
I don´t think I can be the only one who is annoyed by that. To me if they did all that stuff at home or in the park I wouldn't´t care. But the corridor is not their private space damn it. And the majority of my floor is quiet and like me. But there are this few flats incl. my immediate neighbours who get regular police visits and are just a pain in the ass.
And If I hear them outside I delay my going out cause I so hate to cross them that I'd rather risk being late. That was never different, even when I´m really good I hate walking past them and the stupid look on their face like I´m disturbing them and no politeness, no greeting. When I greet them they say nothing, just stare at me.
I just wanted to get that off my chest and moan a little. Also if anyone has any tips how to deal with stupid neighbours and not let it get to you so much at times please share.