i recently lost my girlfriend as she took her own life, and lost my job due to a knee injury and my depression has been getting worse till the point of i'm reaching out for some help.
Hi, I'm new to all this i recently be... - Mental Health Sup...
Hi, I'm new to all this i recently been getting more and more down and just giving up on things i love.

Hi, Your certainly not having a very good time at the moment, I'm very sorry for the loss of your girlfriend, that on its own is enough to get you down, you will grieve for her but will come out at some point & feel easier about it. Finding another job after losing one through no fault of yourself due to your knee injury, obviously wont be easy but you will have to focus on the hard work that this will imply, perhaps this will help your bereavement, when you recover enough. Keep strong. Jim
Hi Jim, I'm not sure what to say to you... when I first read what you've written my first impulse was to say I know what you mean and am not suprised you are feeling low, but as I've never lost someone I loved or was fond of to suicide I can't really know what you are feeling.
I imagine the death of your girlfriend has been traumatic for you. Not only do you have to cope with your feelings about her having wanted to die so much that she actually did take her life, but you are also having to cope with your feelings of loss, perhaps wondering whether her death was in any way your fault, and wondering whether you should have realised how bad she was feeling and done something to help her. I don't know exactly what you feel but I do think it will be helpful for you to talk about your loss with someone. Losing your job as a consequence of the injury must seem so unfair and only increase your difficulty in coping with your feelings about the death.
I wonder whether you would find it helpful to be referred to a counsellor or therapist who works with clients who have experienced trauma as an unexpected suicide is almost always traumatic for those people who were in a close relationship with the person who has died.
Your GP should be able to refer you for counselling and provide medication to help if you feel too depressed to function while waiting to see the counsellor.
I hope you find the help you need, but in the meantime I find it helps to write on this website while I have no-one to talk to about the way I am feeling.
Good luck, Suex

Hi, I'm considering going to see some one to help me with this, as a very good friend said to me "it can only get better." Sam
Yes, I think generally that is true once we have someone to share things with. I wish you well, Suex
Hi Sam - I think there is probably no worse way to lose someone close to than by suicide, for all the reasons Sue mentioned. There is a dedicated support/help group for people who have been bereaved by suicide, you might see what they have to offer , they certainly have a helpline and might even have groups in your area,if that's something you'd be interested in. Go to:-
(Sorry about the "girly" site name!)
good luck, Sam, you can survive this!
Rose xxx
hi sam i lost my dad to suicide a long time ago. you will get better. please see your gp who can refer you to mental health team if you havent already done so. best wishes to you.
hi sam i lost my dad to suicide a long time ago. you will get better. please see your gp who can refer you to mental health team if you havent already done so. best wishes to you.