I am going to have to put my beloved dog Rosie to sleep. Sometimes l'm ok with it others I don't know how l will cope. It somehow helps to write about it. I am home all day and now will be alone.My husband and adult children are also broken
Coming to Terms with losing my dog - Mental Health Sup...
Coming to Terms with losing my dog

Why, do you have to put down? Sorry, you are going through this. Like :Losing a family member. Do you have many good memories when well or was he always suffering since you got the dog. What do you remember the most?

She has a kidney tumour. Was healthy untl now.She os 12 .Great memories of her growing up with my kids. I will always her gentleness and her love of frollicking in the sea
My heart goes out to you. My dog passed the rainbow bridge Thanksgiving 2019. I’m not going to sugarcoat it. That first week was terrible. I cried a lot and just felt sad. I worked instead of calling out to keep my mind occupied. About a month later my cat needed to cross the rainbow bridge. It was hard coming home not being greeted by our furry kids. In January 2020 I asked my husband to go to the animal shelter to play with and socialize the animals, something I enjoyed doing immensely. I never wanted to take anyone home until that day. This sweet 7 month old cat comes right up to me and claims me. Even though my heart was broken, she helped repair it.
Some people get a new furry friend immediately, some wait months or years, and some not at all. Getting another furry friend worked for me, but it was her. I jokingly say she imprinted on me but it was her or bust. I say all of this to assure you that you can do this. Celebrate her, remember her, and do your best. If you have a need to distract yourself, consider taking up a new hobby or volunteering at a shelter. Time helps, and it’s ok to miss your beloved girl. Sending virtual hugs.
here is the deal, you gave your dog, a loving and great life, she would want you to share this with other dogs and show them the wonderful life you gave her, that’s all she needs to know that her friends are happy with a loving new home.
Well that's one to chew on. Drawback to getting a new dog would be less free to go away. Present dog had her routine and would happily stay out the back while we were away, but it wasn't always easy get someone to look in on her and feed her so we couldn't get away too often.While we were here she lived in the house. I think l might find it hard to adjust to the ways of a new dog. We are both agreed we won't make any snap decisions.
I`m sorry to hear that heaven has another furry friend. hopefully you and the family will be ok thinking of all the great times you had together. I know it`s a bit early but would you get another dog down the line or if any friends/ family/ neighbours have a dog you could offer to walk them.
I know exactly what you're going through but it's the last kind thing you can do for your baby. It is the hardest thing but just remember she will be at peace & free of pain.
They leave such a big hole when they have to go but it sounds like getting a wee rescue when you're ready will help alot.
I've lost afew babies this past few years & find that cremating them & getting their ashes home where they belong really helps my grieving process. I've even made an ashes ring I wear everyday with my dog's ashes but in the past 6 months I lost 2 cats so have to make another.
I'm really sorry you're going through this but just remember you have given her the best life & you don't want her to suffer. Try to think of the good times, especially the funny memories.
If only they lived as long as us but she's leaving space for you to love another like you loved her.
Thank you for your kind reply. I really wish they lived as long as us.
There is not much that compared to the love and attachment to an animal friend .I still miss my hamster. A dog can be your best friend.but no doubt Rosie will be free of any suffering and can float off to doggie heaven.once my cat,fat cat,returned after death,it was a wonderful experience to see him so happy .But animals are our unique world,even watching foxes on YouTube I love.
I hope you get by better than you think,joe
Hi Roxylox! How you doing?
Hi chatnoirmd. I still have my girl. My husband does not want to put her to sleep yet. A workmate who knows about dogs tells him she is ok while she's eating and drinking. She is bright and enjoys her trips to the beach. I do wonder at times if it's making it harder postponing the inevitable.