Does anyone here have BPD (borderline personality disorder)?
BPD: Does anyone here have BPD... - Mental Health Sup...

Hi , I have BDP, it's called EUPD nowadays or in UK.

What treatment have you had?
Hi, I was in and out of hospital "and trouble" on and off for 25 years with no therapy or help. They did not know much about P.D.'s then in the 1990's and i usually got did one as soon as i got out of the ward or Jail to go and party. I also moved around alot so did not have a Doctor to go on meds or go hospital again. I had a bad breakdown 6 years ago and have been under CMHT since. I have had a CPN for the last 6 years and have been thorough different meds, a bit of talking therapy and I have been to group therapy at P.D. Hospital Unit. The best thing i did was to learn about P.D.s and try and work with it instead of going against it. It is a constant battle with yourself.
Such a complex and exhausting disorder. I second learning about it. I use Quora forums, and learning to deal with trying to get out of the chaos in your head and keep grounded. Have people you can trust and support you that will help you through your crises and let them know of triggers and,what I call ‘red flags’. (Behaviour changes) Have a rescue plan in place so they know how to help and support you at those times.

I believe that DBT (dialectical behaviour therapy) is the go to therapy.
My husband does. We're 2 months into a splitting episode. This is the longest and worst ever. I'm seriously beginning to wonder if it's DID instead of BPD Dissociation. I have no idea who he is right now and he doesn't seem to be coming out of it.
Hi, I am definatly a splitter. All i can describe it is like i get an intense period where everything i do has to be impulsively yes or no, good or bad, black or white.
I do not know at the time, but i can usually identfy it sometime later on.
Yes. I do. I call. It an order. Take off the dis.
Hi there, yes, I was diagnosed just a few months ago in Feb of this year. I was devastated by this diagnosis, and it took me all of this time before I could accept it. Now I have been reading everything I can to try and understand it more. I just feel so hopeless about this, because there isn't a clear path to recovery. .. For years I had looked up my symptoms and had come upon BPD but always shrugged it off, like nope, that can't be it, that's for "crazy" people, and I'm not that. .Well, and here we are. I joined this network to try and connect with others that have BPD. Can anyone share how they felt after their diagnosis, and what they did to make the room stop spinning?
Sorry for the late reply, I was told i had a personality disorder when i was younger but not what type. When i found out what type at 39 it sounded was like Han in Empire Strikes back when he says "not entirely stable"in the asteroid belt 2 C3p0. Thats how i try and make a posative out of it. The lows are shit , bit the highs are amazing ! Try and ride it in a less destructive way. It helps to get into to something so when things are crap you can escape to something without hurting yourself. x