I have been diagnosed as having BPD/EUPD at 58. Previously, I was diagnosed as having anxiety and depression and took antidepressants. I have been taken off all meds except for Sertraline. What meds do others take for this disorder? My moods swing quite drastically at times and I find it difficult getting to or staying asleep.
BPD/EUPD : I have been diagnosed as... - Mental Health Sup...

Most taken low doses olanzapine
Hi, Im a BPD suffer and was diagnosed 12 years ago. I've also been a Peer Support worker. Certainly in the UK doctors do not prescribe any meds specifically to treat BPD. Only the underlying anxiety and depression.
I'm on Sertraline and find it quite helpful.
BPD is treated through DBT or MBT talking therapy. There is also the STEPPS and STAIRWAYS program that is run in some areas. Your local mental health team will know what's available in your area. These therapies will help with mood swings and teach you how to manage your symptoms.
Unfortunately drugs don't work for us.
Thank you so much for replying and with good information. My current Emotional Regulation course is all that is on offer at the moment. It lasts 6 weeks. I have asked about DBT but it doesn't seem to be offered here. I will look into STEPPS and STAIRWAYS. I feel awkward and embarrassed within my course group as I am twice the age of most of the participants. They are all lovely but I still feel uncomfortable and don't really feel part of the group.
I’m on medication to treat my BP!!!!
It prevents manic episodes and helps treat the lows/depression. It also helps my anxiety.
It started to improve my BP within weeks and maintains a stable mood.
I was removed from my ssri meds as this can induce mania
What’s completely incorrect??
I’ll have a word with my Neuropsychiatrist
I am not bi polar. I have borderline personality disorder otherwise known as emotionally unstable personality disorder.
Because of the ongoing confusion around abbreviations in this thread, I have removed my first post.
Hi, I was diagnosed with EUPD (BPD) in December 2014 aged 43. Although this, apparently, is quite old for a diagnosis of a personality disorder, I have suffered from depression and anxiety from early teens and have been on and off anti depressants. When I got my diagnosis I had been in a major depressive episode and was on anti depressants anyway, but still had extreme mood swings almost on a daily basis. To help with this and also with my sleep I have been prescribed Quetiapine. I have been on this combination of anti psychotic and anti depressant and have found it helpful in reducing the severity of the mood swings.