Going through a MH tribunal UK - Mental Health Sup...

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Going through a MH tribunal UK

Kaytee1981 profile image
4 Replies

So I've not posted on here in such a long time, I've been in hospital, in fact two hospitals, one acute ward and I'm currently in a locked rehab receiving DBT therapy for my diagnosis of EUPD anx depression.

Well yesterday in a session with my care coordinator, he suggested I get a solicitor, so after consulting with my advocate and my dad I rang a solicitor. They were really supportive and helpful but I seem to of agreed to lodge a tribunal to get my section 3 lifted. Its come out of the blue and in a bit in shock - i know tribunals are common place in MH but it seems very dramatic.

Half of me is pleased it's happening and its given me a glimmer or hope, the other half is the fear of not getting discharged, plus the team seen to know what they are doing in regards to my care. Obviously if I'm discharged from the tribunal support will be put in place.

I have been at this locked rehab for 3months now and been risk free, I dont feel I fit in with the other patients and I'm forever told by the consultant and ward staff how well I'm doing - so I'm confused as to why the doctor wont make me informal.

Anyway....I was wondering what peoples experiences are of going through a tribunal and how successful they were.

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4 Replies
kenster1 profile image

hi here`s hoping you get to go home with all the support you need around you won every tribunal but not for MH fingers crossed.


Welcome back, it seem you will be on your way to a better place with your Mental Health, If they feel you are making good progress they would prefer you to be back in the outside world, however they will give you support and assist in settling you down and moving you on. There may be Day Centres you can attend and these can be a great way of finding new friends with similar interests. You will also gain support from Staff and Volunteers

Well Done


Hi , hope you are well i just read some of your post's and i can say is that i suffered from eupd, still do and i have been in about 10 different hospitals over the country in the last 30 years , mainly when i was younger. My advice is that hospitals just take time , nothing is quick in there. If you take it day by day, do the things they say it goes smoother. I found that when i was younger and full of rage i pushed against everything in the system and it made it worse. Maybe a was unaware of it , sometimes they said that i could go home then i did something and the said oh we will review you in another week or month and i then would get angry and fall into what they were saying. I did mbt group therapy which really helped me loads .I find nowadays they would rather have people outside with the crisis team or cmht support, fingers crossed for the review/tribunal. So loads of posative vibes to you, keep doing well and have being discharged as your healthy goal to keeping heading towards. Peace x

Rarejog profile image

Dear Kaytee1981, I've just come across your post. Even though I'd never had to go through the MH tribunal, I was interested how you were getting on?

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