Passed to social worker: Supported... - Mental Health Sup...

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Passed to social worker

15 Replies

Supported living place for nonverbal son would not give us entry or health coordinator so we decided to call social worker - son is showing challenging behaviour in morning and asking for food but lunch time fine and is underweight - so we are concerned and they are not giving cooked food and uncooked food we provide not cooking or something

15 Replies
Mammamia2 profile image

Are you saying you aren't allowed to see your son in supported living? I thought restrictions had been lifted? Is your son very underweight? Is he adult services or chilrren services? From my very little involvement with adult services they aren't very good. If they are denying you and the health coordinator access there must be somewhere else you can go. I would keep pestering social services about this. One of my boys is in residential for Autism. Since he turned 18 everything changed and I feel I have no say in what happens anymore. You have to insist on seeing your son and pester social services as often as you can. I wish you all the best x

in reply to Mammamia2

The health coordinator passed on school details and our details to Social Worker so things are looking much better - thank you for reply - his health is worrying us - grandmother and me - all the best to you and your boys

Hello Indieabc

Are you unable to be with your Son and the home is having problems feeding Him. It would seem people are not conversing and it is taking time to get sorted. Are you allowed to visit your Son, is that the problem. Not getting any support.

It sounds below things are starting to move now, If He is not eating that needs to be addressed. Do you have access to your Son or is the place closed down to patients family


in reply to

You are right they are not allowing us to visit son and they did the same to health coordinator But because of school report and our report he is underweight the health coordinator contacted Social Worker who cannot be denied entry - so things are moving in the right direction, now Thanks

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Let us know how you get on


Shnookie profile image
Shnookie in reply to

It’s Shnookie. Keep on top of the social worker. Not to be negative but a lot of social workers have heavy caseloads. Find out if there R nonprofits who deal with Autism. There is a group called

Autism Speaks. Also find out the name of the SW’s supervisor. Yes U might think I sound neurotic but it is very

Important to be proactive. I’m here 4 U hugs 🤗 S

in reply to Shnookie

We all need to be proactive when it comes down to our health. I had an appointment face to face yesterday and it seems they are trying to put things on hold, if possible into the New Year. I have problems with My memory and I am overdue for test, I am also waiting for an appointment to get my eyes checked in hospital, as routine. They are also looking at a Lympoma making sure it does not get bigger. I have an appointment in Hospital to check damage to my neck and spine. All very worrying


in reply to

I am sorry you are going through so much with eyes and memory. May they work on your eyes quickly and maybe brain foods blueberries or nuts help but I know this may not be possible - so may you stay fit for longer times and may memory work for these periods but try to relax and enjoy your day But worrying is neck and spine do not exert

in reply to

My eyes are developing Cataracts so if we are suffering Diabetes when checking the eyes they send us to hospital to check if the eyes are getting worse before getting new glasses. My Short term Memory is getting worse I am supposed to be tested every year and my Wife is getting concerned a I can asked to do something and I just forget or if I am say going to do the curtains I can touch the blind and just forget what I am there to do. I have extensive joint damage they have slowed by giving injections of B12 and D3, although I still need to take Opiates every day

My spine was damaged in a car accident many years ago and the disks and spine are rubbing against disks, so I am getting a telephone call from hospital end December to arrange a hospital check up. Just getting old I suppose. this is why I have not been on site as much as I used to.


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I am just glad they are able to do something for you in hospital and checkup and tests which are very important to you - as they give you sense of direction to proceed in - Please let your eyes be saved and they get to you in time and hopefully they will give you tips on how to care for your neck and spine. Memory very worrying, too

in reply to

Indieabc I have been disabled for over forty years now so I am finding getting treatment a real problem at this time so it is all just a waiting game because of Covid. With my skin the skin keeps bleeding with the Psoriasis and I can just be sitting watching television and I can have blood running down my legs at the moment. As long as I can keep busy


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Yes, even tough we have Covid vaccine taking time to rollout and meanwhile patients waiting for treatment, fingers and everything else crossed this will only be few weeks, at most 3 months - we need everything working

Shnookie profile image
Shnookie in reply to

It’s shnookie. So sorry 😐 to hear about your health issues. I’ll say healing prayers 4 U. Follow thru with your health issues in 2021. I have issues that I need to follow thru as wellI’m here 4 U hugs 🤗 S

in reply to Shnookie

Thank you Shnookie I am always around if I can help


Shnookie profile image
Shnookie in reply to

U R so sweet Bob. I’ll say healing prayers 4 U without injecting religion, the prayer 🙏 is God bless Bob heal his body, heal his soul and let him have a recovery and not suffer. I’m here 4 UHugs 🤗 Shnookie

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