Does anyone get like this
The struggle of dealing with mental h... - Mental Health Sup...
The struggle of dealing with mental health and illness
Oh yes, last night was one of them.
I wish I had intelligent brain and had a purpose in life. I really wish I was successful and enjoyed every part of life. I can only dream, that's all I have left.
We all feel the same way in my case I forget more than I remember. Although I am a firm believer that sometimes voices that clutter our thoughts are always there and most can cause actions we prefer not to undertake.
I was out this morning with our Pax and my brain was not relating to what I was doing I was seeing things that were not there, so I.needed to push my memory to move on to my positive thoughts as difficult as that may seem Whatever our thoughts we need to press on with our lives and expectations
In ways yes, however me need to be able to tell what is right or wrong. We cannot use above as an excuse when making decisions
Put ear plugs in and listen to sleeping sounds on Spotify honestly it’s relax and fall sleep before y know if x for someone that brains gping hundred miles hour x I fulll recommend xx
Yes x