For 2016 I was living in a elated state, I felt invincible, well & joyus. Nothing could change that. Looking back its mostly a blur but I began experiening severe anxiety in the winter of that year, usually only at school, By February of 2017 I was becoming depressed. Alot of family issues began creeping back up & intense emotional abuse. Mother blames my hate towards her on my "illness" but she's wrong. Around summer I for small amounts of time felt better, up and some times mixed. The better still felt terrible tho, I suffered an emotional breakdown in both September & October yet carried on. Seen Counsilers but hasn't helped at October my mood is severely going from suicidal to happy in seconds. Who am I? What could this be?
Depression, Anxiety & Severe Mood Swi... - Mental Health Sup...
Depression, Anxiety & Severe Mood Swings.

Hi there Jamanha, you really are having such a tough time, especially for someone young like you as you are only 16. Coping with severe anxiety and depression is hard no matter how old a person is, but at your age it must be really difficult and I really feel for you. I know you say you have had counsellors before who have not been of help to you, but you really do need Professional help and support. You must go and see your GP and be very honest and describe how low you are feeling, and you must also explain that your home situation is causing you so much stress and anxiety. There is help out there for you and one previous reply you had suggested you seek help from social services,which I think is a really good idea from one of our community members. This way you may be able in time to get your own accommodation and have a support worker to care for you. It is so important that you do not give up hope, no matter how bad things are there is always hope that your situation can and will improve for you. Please believe that this can happen and that with the right help and support your life can get better. You have gone through a lot and you deserve some happiness and enjoyment as you have your whole future to think about and plan for. Are there any school interests or clubs that you could join, and perhaps meet new friends. Is there a person in school that you could talk to about your home situation and how anxious and depressed you are feeling?
If you need a gentle listening ear in confidence, please call the Samaritans who are open every day of the year, Telephone......116 123 (Freephone)
If you are really unwell go to your nearest A/E hospital to receive support and treatment, or
Telephone NHS 111.
Please do get yourself the Professional help and support that you need and please do stay safe.
Do continue to post on here and let us know how you are getting on.....
take very good care of yourself, and remember that things can get better for you, be nice and kind to yourself and seek help.......very best wishes to youxx
with such a strong OP (initial post) and such a good response, it's honestly kind of hard to jump in at all. Never the less, I'll have a go! I second the good advice of our dear admin, have an open and honest conversation with your GP, probably several, perhaps across several GPs even you deserve this.