A little update....: Sorry havent been... - Mental Health Sup...

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A little update....

NHSseemstonotcare profile image

Sorry havent been here,sometimes reading about others feeling down makes my own feeling kick in worse...

I thought i would update...On the Seratine stuff now, not so tied all the time now, infact sometimes have difficulty sleeping! Not so anxious either,its still there,but it has lessoned a bit. Talked to MIND, lol, and she got a bit paniclly aparently, but the result was because of her paniced call to mental health. I recieved a phone call from them the same afternoon (thats a miracle in itself!). I have an appointment to see a actual Phychiatrist from phychiatric services the start of june! I also have to see the Brief intervention and access team, which apparently is different from the other group. To have a few tests for autisum and such.... I also have to take my trial phyciatric report to both of them to photocopy as they dont seem to have anything about me. Lol, i did a quick count. Thats 14 times this report has been copied so far yet no-one ever seems to ever know anything about me, lol, lets hope 15 & 16 time are the ones that stick eh?

Lol, 18months out trying myself to get MH involved, and just one day for MIND to convince them to help. Lol, seems thats the only way for help....Embaraessment from a charitable organization. Oh well, not bitter, much, lol. Medication, possible answers, things looking up, maybe. Lol, 3 missed appointments by the "changeing lanes" woman at probation, but then again not to sure what help see is. Apparently her and Probation believe i should be working voluntary somewhere, the complete opposite as to what the report advised, so they dont bother reading reports they have even taken copies of either! Lol, feel weird, sort of angry at incompetence, relieved at some sort of action at last, nervous as phychiatrists caused me unessesary pain in my childhood and i will be seeing some again, but, relaxed, stress free about it all. Who knows, perhaps only after 44years i am finally on the correct medication,lol?

Sorry about waffling on, just really wanted to let people really know despite all the hassles life could be worth it, maybe, in the end?

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NHSseemstonotcare profile image
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5 Replies
MAS_Nurse profile image

Hi NHSseemsnottocare and thank you for your post. It is great to hear that you are feeling more positive. Try to take one step at a time and you will get there. You mention MIND, the Mental Health Charity. Are you involved with their advocacy service? This is worth looking into as they can advocate on your behalf. We wish you all the best with your appointments and do let us know how you are getting on. If you and the Mental Health Team decide that volunteer work is suitable, it is a good way to learn new skills and gain confidence. Please stay on this caring forum where you will receive support from other members. Are any other members able to help NHSseemstonotcare, please?

Thank you and best wishes.

NHSseemstonotcare profile image
NHSseemstonotcare in reply to MAS_Nurse

Thank you. I posted really so others can see that maybe they too might be able to get some help. I say might, because its not happened yet, but, i thought if i shared my journey it might help others who are seeking help ,but, dont know how to actually get it. My own quest looking for help has so far taken years ,if my experience can help others get it quicker perhaps lives may be saved? I hope so.

MIND Advacacy service, i may contact them if my appointment in june is just yet another buck passing exercise. Not sure. Like i said, i have been to MIND, but, my perticullar problems are not exactly the norm. I dont think anyone really knows what to do?

Legally No groups allowed, so that rules out all group therapies, and as most treatments these days seem to be cbt group based ,that really only leaves one to one treatment.

One to One - Now here i face another issue. On paper at least, i believe i fall into the "Dont take him on because if something bad happens i will get the blame" catorgry.

Hence, the constant buck passing, and hence the none existant help! Lol, i think my probation officer put it just right "You dont fall into any standard catorgry, your in a catorgry all by yourself". Hence been so long trying to get help. Hence the constant buck passing between so many organisations, and branches of the same organisations.

Who knows. After years of waiting, i visit MIND, and the same day MH phones ME ,offering me, an appointmet, perhaps embaressment is the only way to get any help these days from MH?

Lol, 3years 9months so far been waiting, after my trial phychiatrist and phycologists report stated i must be seen monthly. Still waiting..... Maybe June will be different, but been down this promissed path many,many,many times before....

Lol, what would you do MAS_Nurse?

ps. this is reason i am not here often, talking about my frustration about "proffesionals" none existant help angers and deppresses me, i cant do it too often. Dont take that wrong. The fact you asked and replied lifts my heart. Its just the thought of all those "experts" and "proffesionals" that get paid vast amounts of money (compaired to myself) dont seem to care, but someone volunteering there support is the only support i seem to get,lol, sack them give you the money!

Aggh lol think i get stuck to easilly into the anger/adrenerline/anger triangle, hence why i waffle so much. Dam adrennerline addiction is always there, i hate it! Even after 3yrs 9months , why the hell is there no recognised condition, so there would be groups for it, ah hell, wouldnt be allowed to them groups anyway! Excuse me while i go bang my head against the wall, dam, experts,dam,proffesionals! Sorry. Deppresion now kicking in as well. I have to go distract myself.. Sorry again.

_Alex_ profile image

I get dealing with medical professionals can be stressful, even when they are (as I have found so far) nice enough people.

You have had far worse problems with them than I ever have by the sound of it but... I try to think now "Ok this appointment may go bad, but it's a process and the next one can turn things around".

Last appointment my doctor was trying to get rid of me as a patient. I was prepared for it not going well, but I didn't see that coming! Maybe the next one is better.

NHSseemstonotcare profile image
NHSseemstonotcare in reply to _Alex_

Your right of coarse, they usually are very nice people, they wouldnt deal with people like me if they wasnt. Guess like always, it only takes experiencing a few nasty ones in the past can make you warry of them all, i am trying to overcome my total distrust of them, but, i guess it will take time. Unnecessary bad experiences at their hands in the past when your there screaming for help not more pain, but... Times have changed ,a lot, for the better i might add (i hope anyway)! Its difficult to forget ,thats all....

Lol, an update ,on my update.

I have been seen by "Changing Lanes" a NHS department that works with Probation. The phychiatrist said she wants to continue to see me!!! I am seeing her again this Wed. Apparently they have their own councillors and cbt staff that DO do forensic work! Lol believe me the number of lies i have been told about mental health no longer does a persons past ,only potential future mental issues, would amaze you!

I also, after going through a hour long phone questionnaire (the third one) , have gone and done, an hour long questionnaire in person, and now waiting for then to get back to me to let me know if i can do a third questionnaire, to see if i have or have not got autisum or adhd... Lol, a test, then test,then test, to get a test,to see if i need a test, lol seriously you could make this stuff up its madness! Thats the Brief Intervention and Access Team. It took two GP letters to get them involved.

I now have a meeting Mon, with Phychiatric Services, with one of their phychiatrists. The one MIND contacted. Lol, seems no help for 3yrs 9months and now THREE differrent groups, departments of the NHS Mental Health want to see me all at once, lol, truth be told, because of my past experiences with MH, this scares the life out of me, but also ,perhaps, finally, i might get some guidence and help with how do deal with my diagnosed conditions......

Lol......Its a scary, but also, just maybe (?), good time to come??????

Should expand a little.

Changing Lanes.....sounds ideal, BUT, if their there to help, why is a probation worker working with them. Surley NHS Mental Health is meant to be private, patient confidentuality, why would there be a full time probation worker be part of the otherwise totally NHS MH team? Will absolutly everything have to be like walking on egg shells that i say to them instead of trying to get to any causes of issues and fixing it. Ie one wrong word and bang it will be taken out of context and twisted? Lol, you may have noticed i do tend to waffle lol.

Phychiatric Services.... They sound like the phychiatrist run place that screwed up my childhood, causing the mess thats now me! Will they attempt to hurt me again?

Brief Access and Intervention Team..... Another scary title, i need a Helping Team, not an Intervention Team, and i dont believe it will be brief access either to sort this mind out, so...Can you trust them? How can several differing people access you, so far its been three different people, never the same one. How can they get a good accessment of someone if everytime you see them its the first time you've met?

A lot of unknowns ,and a lot of differrent people ,add to that a mistrust of them all because of there predissesors treatment of me....Why cant i just see one individual who will keep seeing me and who will begin to see the complete real me, instead of a million people ,who only know a brief glimpse of "reports" me?

Lol, guess i am more nervous on the inside than i actually realised.

GP, did they say why? I know if there thinking of moving to another surgery they off load their patients onto the other GPs there. This happened to mine when he retired. Also if they have to many patients on there books, there only allowed so many, they tend to get rid of their newest patients first and keep the ones they have known the longest. Lol, another GP i had, got rid of most of his patients as he developed memory issues, to tell the truth he should NOT have been allowed any patients. His the reason my medical records state i am a type 2 diabetic as well as a type 1. Lol i was born a type 1 , i could NEVER have been a type 2, medically imposible lol!!!! But NO GP will alter the diagnosis written in someones notes apparently, lol, yet another cock up by medical proffessionals that might end up killing me!

_Alex_ profile image
_Alex_ in reply to NHSseemstonotcare

If you do have signs of either autism spectrum or adhd from doing the screening questionnaires, then it can take a long time to get actually assessed for. (UK anyway, depending on area.)

My GP was unhappy with the decisions I was making basically. Some people don't want to take medications, but rather wish to see a therapist, and then have the problem of the waiting lists to see them. Well I'm the other way around, and it seems that causes problems also.

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