I have no motivation : Okay so I am... - Mental Health Sup...

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I have no motivation

Battle-mind profile image
2 Replies

Okay so I am very new to this where I talk about what is going on and I feel like talking about it where people don’t know who I am and who don’t judge me is the best way for me to get my feelings off my chest so here we go.

For the past year and a bit I have been slowly loosing my motivation to do anything anymore like I don’t want to finish school or find a job or even start a life. I am in my last year of school and my parents have been asking me and giving me lecture on what I should be thinking about and doing when I finish but the thing is I don’t want to do anything at all. I don’t want to go out I wanna stay in bed and just sleep forever. I have been thinking about life and how we all are just doing things to pass the time because the only thing certain is death and I feel like dying but I’m not even motivated to do that. I’m just so tired of everything I don’t know what to do and I really can’t talk about my feelings because I know people have a worse life than me and I feel like mine is not important or worth talking about.

Can someone help me please cause I honestly have no idea what to do anymore I’ve tried so hard please help?

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2 Replies
MAS_Nurse profile image

Hello Battle-Mind

Thank you for your message and welcome to this group.

It sounds as if you have a lot going on and are feeling a lot of pressure which is causing you to have these feelings.

Do remember you are valuable and your feelings and needs are just as valid as any ones.

Let your parents know you feel like this and maybe talk with friends if you feel you can.

You need to see your doctor and talk these things through. Is there a counsellor where you study? It can be hard work but you can get help to get through this and move into your future. It must be so hard for you at the moment.

Our members may have more support and information for you. This is a very supportive group.

The topics and pinned posts may be helpful.

The charity MIND has a website and helpline:

Www.mind,org.uk 0300 123 3398

The Samaritans have a 24 hr freephone 116123

Please get back to us and tell us how you are

Best wishes

How old are you ?

You are not alone, most teenagers feel their Parents are beginning to push them to make decisions for their future years, Teens become peeved and stressed.

I do not have any children although I can understand your Parents concerns especially if all you want to do is slouch around. I was in some ways the same, life was a game the problem, this is a very serious activity. You need to take a deep breath and decide what you want to do for the next part of your life. Show your parents that you are at least considering what you wish to do and achieve for the next sixty years.

You are entering a time of many diversions and activities, you need to make decisions, your Parents are there to give support especially if you need to go to College or learn a trade. Remember when we are young we can feel we have the world at our feet, the problem is life can burst your bubble and you will find life can be very cruel if we make the wrong decisions, Your Parents know this and are really looking out for you.

I do not feel you need medications, all that is required is confidence to move on. Remember what you decide will make life easier as an Adult, the World or our Country is not waiting for you with a fantastic job with masses of money, you need to plan for that and be dynamic in your actions.

Personally I do hope you will move on, granted you need to take a breath before making decisions, although do not take to long.

Can you gain advice at school with an Employment Officer. ?.


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