I have convinced myself i have tinnitus, my health anxiety has made me believe i do and I don’t know if my anxiety is making me think i do or my mind is playing tricks on me i know I probably sound crazy but i been researching and looking up videos of it i have become obsessed with it 💔what has my life come tooo
Anxiety : I have convinced myself i... - Mental Health Sup...

Been having tinittus for a few years, seemed to start when I was given an anti depressant, which not taking anymore, I went to a doctor finally and getting referred to ear doctor , my old regular doctor just brushed it off said oh tinnitus ,but that's not just it, glad my new doctor is looking into it. Talk to your doctor
Thing is I don’t have insurance so it’s kind of difficult for me cause visits are expensive! But im just scared i dont know if it’s my anxiety making me think i have it or my mind just playing with me cause i dont hear a beep or ringing or anything it just the sound when it’s silent that feeling you get when it’s to quiet it’s kind of hard to explain 😩
Oh I know how you are feeling it's like white noise, or it feels like you just left a concert. I think it's part of the anxiety.
It happened like 2 days ago my sister was getting ready for school and before then i was fine and she turned off my fan and it was so quiet like too quiet and i hate the quiet i always have and i panicked for some apparent reason and the sound of the quiet stuck with me and now thats all i hear or I’m making myself hear it’s so depressing for me and caused me so much anxiety! Like I’m on the edge I really don’t know what to do with myself
Hello Nicky
What makes you consider you have Tinittuss, You can get medications for that.
People do not realise if you are getting your eyes checked at the same time some get an ear specialist in at the same shop, you can get your ears checked at the same time or on another day when the specialist attends