Can anyone tell me what benefits I'm entitled to, I'm on anti depressants and have been for 18 months, I've got high blood pressure, I'm on Diazepam for anxiety and panic attacks and I also have arthritis. I was working full time up until the middle of April then my depression hit rock bottom my anxiety went through the roof and I keep having panic attacks. The doctor gave me unfit for work and I'm on universal credit now but that's it, is there anything else I should be claiming? I also have a CPN
Advice anyone please: Can anyone tell... - Mental Health Sup...
Advice anyone please

You could try applying for pip personal independence payment you may or may not get it depending on how high you score good luck x

Attaching a link which has a benefits calculator and should show you what benefits you are entitled to. This link is for ‘turn2us’ which is a helpful site in respect of benefits, you can also call them to do the calculation over the telephone with them if preferred.
When completing any form for PIP personal independents payments benefits, do obtain help your cpn should be able to help, or citizen advice, there is a points system operated to obtain these benefits and it can be tricky, I would definitely have help completing , the forms or attending any medical.
The other link is for benefits and work which provides lots of advice in benefits too.
Best wishes

Thank you I will give it a try
Ive got depression look after a disabled husband, suffer panic attacks , just has a pacemaker and heart ablation
I do not expect any benefits, what makes you think you are,
If you are incapable because of physical disability
Maybe, but you might just find working gives you’re life new meaning
Do t take this The wrong way, but there’s lots of people working that take antidepressants..
It's not only anti depressants I was talking about, I have worked since I was 16 never had a penny from the state and if u had saw the full post I have anti depressants, Diazepam for panic attacks and anxiety sleeping tablets because of sexual abuse flashbacks and I was held at knife point mid April this year when they forced entry to my home which I am not able to return to at the moment for my own safety and I would still be at work if it wasn't for these people phoning my employer and as a result I was told to go home and sort out the problems but of course the leave is without pay. So don't u take this the wrong way we all have problems and there is some of us who don't know the state system and how it all works and genuinely asking a question of how it works and not looking for state help for nothing so u should not judge me and others where there is just a small fraction of their problems on a post there's always a bigger picture I'm afraid. I am of the mindset that people who are ill deserve the help the state are willing to give them like ur husband he is going through a really tuff time health and deserves all the help that's there for him but for urself it's people like you with small minded comments saying what makes me think I am entitled to any further benefits go moments like that give people a bad name in terms of claiming benefits. I think maybe people like u in glass houses and all that. My post never once mentioned anything about deserving benefits and I'm sure if u were to ask people what the health issues they had before u judge I think u would have a different approach. The majority of claimants on benefits for health reasons would gladly give it back to the state if they were able to go out to work
You should certainly apply to be assessed for PIP which in turn will qualify you for the "hidden" benefits like Housing Benefits, Free prescriptions, etc. There are many sites which provide excellent guidance on completing your PIP application but don't forget your application will go to an independent assessor (IAS, Capita, Atos) & these company's are " incentivised" into failing your application @ the first hurdle - but that is only the first hurdle & some 65 % of folk going through the various appeals stages are successful. Last tip - When completing your application do so as if it's on your worst possible day! BW, 🇮🇪
Lol everyday is a bad day, I didn't think the depression could get any worse but it has by about 1000 times, the anxiety and panic attacks are really the worst? And then to top it all off the arthritis just longer to loosen in the mornings
Hi as well as PIP also apply for housing benefit if you rent and council tax rebate. If you are on income based benefit then you would also get free prescriptions, dental treatment and free eye tests and glasses. If you are on contribution based benefits you wouldn't get these. x
I have got housing benefit and council tax. I was wondering if there was other benefits because the universal credit with the housing benefit and council tax taken off I have £82 per week left
Not much is it. But under JSA rather than UC you would only get around £73 a week and many have to pay a quarter of their council tax too which would be a minimum or around a fiver a week leaving just £68 to pay all their bills as well as keep themselves in food and clothes.
Next time you hear someone moaning about how high benefits are you can prove they are not! Not being facetious here even though it might across as that. x
It depends on your total household income .
Depending on the benefit you are applying for you have to meet the required criteria for that benefit.
If you live alone, or a single parent you can be entitled to housing benefit, child tax credit.
There is a cap on child tax credit now and it depends on how much the income is. The cap I think is around £20,000 but don't quote me on this.
Propranolol is very good for the use of panic attacks and high blood pressure. There are very few side affects with these tablets.
Just wondering what anti depressants you are taking and have you tried many types ?
Personally, Sertraline has been the most helpful and effective for me.
Try and keep as positive as you can . Be gentle with yourself. Do what is calming - if you can draw, colour, paint, write poetry, listen to motivation speaches and music, louise hay books are very useful, using positive affirmations will help - and easy one to say is - EVERY DAY I AM GETTING BETTER AND BETTER - EVEN IF YOU DONT FEEL IT - SAY IT ANY WAY - YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOOSE.
Try and avoid steroids for the arthritis - do you meds for this and what type of arthriris are you diagnosed with ?
Best wishes
I think possibly my CPN will change my mens because I feel sometimes they aren't working I'm on citalapram 40mg per day and deizapram 5mg 3 times per day and I've got sleeping tablets for the nightmares and flashbacks. The universal credit im left with £82 a week to live on
I was in a similar situation when I was depressed, with anxiety and panic attacks. You can, if you live alone and are on ESA in support group get severe disability premium, which is an extra £80 ish a week. I can’t get that anymore as I don’t live alone. If you do PIP, the CAB are really helpful, and will fill form in for you. You can sit down with them with any letters etc and they’ll do their best to fill it out, you can also ask for the PIP assessment to take place at your home if you feel you can’t get to your appointment, also you can ask a support worker, cab rep or CPN to be present at the time, they may ask to do a physical, but if you really can’t do it, you don’t have to. I am on ESA support group, Housing, council tax, PIP daily living high rate. Although my depression waivers it’s not so bad as it was from 15 through to 38 y/o. However I have many other medical issues from when I was 14 hence depression and anxiety from 15. I only started benefits 5 years back as I was working from age of 16 through to, well 5 years ago.
I am also on
Diazepam 5mg 4xday (muscle spasms)
Just finished sertraline after 6 years (great for anxiety and panic attacks, as another member wrote)
Morphine Slow release (neuropathy) & oramorph if I need it.
Plus a whole lot for for my (apparently very rare, woohoo, not! but 4th in UK to have it) muscle disease, which in turn gave me PoTS, bladder retention, anxiety and depression with panic attacks, personality disorder, compulsive behaviour, neuropathy, poor mobility and now I have a hormone imbalance and have regular testosterone injections. I am sure there is more, but my memory is not so good these days.
I think all of this sometimes makes me very depressed, but I try to think about good things in life now to overcome feeling bad. I still get anxiety and panic attacks when I get out and there are too many people, or if I have to go shopping (I try to get someone to do for me, or do online) I don’t go out much, just stay in flat with my cat. My partner works a lot so don’t get to see him much.
Anyway I think that’s enough from me, but if you ever want a chat sometime or advice with PIP, I have done the form on 4/5 occasions with help, but I do know what they need inside out!
Hope you get some more help!
Thank you very much for u taking the time to give me an idea of what to do. I'm so sorry u have as much health issues as u do. I often wonder is it fair that people like yourself just don't get 1 condition but there's a load cones along with it.
I have worked since I was 16 I was sexually abused at the age of 8 until 12, I have never been able to talk about it, I was emotionally abused by both my parents the were also physically abusive to me and to each other. I got married and my ex wife already had a son who was 3 when we got together. I have always been depressed and had anxiety with panic attacks, I have a hormone imbalance as well and get monthly injections and just to add to the list high blood pressure 198/108, arthritis in my knees and hands and now just to make it worse the anxiety and panic attacks are making me incontinent. Our marriage broke up in 2015 we were still OK with each other and I was managing until mid April this year when my ex wife and stepson came to my house put a brick through the glass on my back door and forced their way into my home my stepson pinned me against the units in the kitchen and had a knife at my throat, he was demanding money so he could pay his drugs debt, I really got frightened at this point because my ex wife said to her son u promised me u wouldn't go this far and remember no blood there can't be any blood because we will get into more bother. He went and fetched my mobile and said unlock this phone, I asked why he then said so u can go onto ur banking app and transfer the money, I replied no ur not getting the money. I managed to get myself into the back garden and the pain in my chest was that severe I fell to the ground struggling to get a breath and I thought u was having a heart attack the both of them stood over me laughing at me. My ex wife and stepson were abusive throughout our marriage, she would verbally be abusive and constantly being me down in front of people she was also violent as well. Back to that night the police arrived and I asked them to take me to the station because all this is about my stepson is wanting money and if I done give him the cash then he's going to make an allegation that I abused him when he was growing up. This is untrue because there was no abuse not from me anyway, the police asked my stepson to come along to the police station and make an official complaint he refused the 6 times to go. He also told some of my neighbour's and he phone my employer so not only do I not have a home anymore I don't have a job either. From that night my depression has got worse an the anxiety, the panic attacks are the most terrifying bit, I haven't been able to sleep properly from then because of the nightmares and flashbacks which also are bringing the abuse I managed to put at the back of my mind for all this time it's now at the forefront all the time. It's too much to deal with at the 1 time and I feel as thought I'm never going to get my life back
Hi James,
Thanks for replying, I felt so upset for you reading this, I cannot believe what your ex wife and stepson did to you and what you had to go through on that day, I would have been terrified myself as I am sure anyone would have. I note you mentioned sexual abuse when you were younger, I think we have some things in common, a similar thing happened to me by a boy from my school when I was about 8 through to 10, but back then I didn’t really know what it was, obviously when I was a bit older I knew what it was. I then battled with my own sexuality from about 15 I was with a girl engaged for 2 years, living together until she had a fling with another man and then left me for him. I moved away with my work and I came out as gay when I was about 22. I have now been with my partner for approx 14 years, unfortunately he doesn’t really understand all of my conditions and think that mental health issues are just all in the head, if you know what I mean. It’s the first time I have actually talked to anyone about my abuse and sexual orientation (how it came about) before too. I think you helped me with that one!
I am so sorry for you being in this situation with your ex and stepson and can only hope that you can get it sorted, it may be worth getting a letter from the police, as it may help your case if you need to move etc. Have you spoken to victim support, they are good listeners and good for advice.
I hope to catch up soon
All the best Andy
Thank you very much for opening up on here, what that tells me is ur brave and ur getting control back. It should me that's upset with everything u have been through. I am really happy u have found a partner and u both have been together 14 years. It must have been a terrible time for u before u came out at 22, I bet though u wished u had done it before that. I was able to put the abuse to the back of my mind but not now it's all I think about I can't for the life of me put it away again. I am still in fear of my life, I never thought that I would be left with nothing and Noone. When I saw ur reply back this mrning it has been all I have thought about all day and my heart goes out to u but on a happier note I'm so pleased u have a partner who with right by ur side and I bet there has been a few rough patches in the 14 years with everything u have had to deal with. Look how u have managed to find happiness with urself and ur partner u have came through a lot to get to where u are now and as each day goes on the stringer the both of yous will be and together u both will win the fight. I hope some of ur health issues subside u have a lot going on there and everyday health wise must be a fight as well. I hope u keep in tough and give me regular updates of how ur both getting on. U are a really strong person to get this far so keep fighting. If there's anything I can do to help u know where I am and u can get me day or night it doesn't matter the time. Take care ace and I hope to hear from u sonn
I am pleased you have a CPN and hope they are supportive and helpful. They can do a letter to back up your PIP claim or other benefits you apply for. A medication review is a good plan too. Maybe psychology too would be a good step too.
Poor you though having to try and manage all that!! What shits they are! It is little wonder you are struggling I hope for you that you will get your life back after the attack. You have worked, you need the help to get through the aftermath I wish you all the best, there are some good advice replies, go with those.
Good luck🍀
Thank you for your kind thoughts. All I want is to get back on track get the medication rite then back to my own home and back to my job, then I can take it day at a time but my life being this way is not worth living it. I just want to feel better lift mood and get my anxiety and the panic attacks under control
If it is any consellation that comes across, and you will get there as you have done before. I guess you have a good rapport with your CPN who knows this and you are able to work together on this. Hope so x
Hi i am sure you d be entitled to claim some sort of disability allowance , go to Citizens Advice or a welfare rights place they will let you know .
I had a peek at your introductory post, if you own the unusable house it will be viewed as an asset, and affect their decisions, it can be rented out, if your not willing to sell, though I may have got the wrong end of the stick there though..
Apart from emergency situations, the benefits system is slow, with built in time lags, and you do need to be prepared to make an appeal if a case is turned down.
If the job was lost due to the allegations, you may have a compensation case against the employer, if you were nudged out by the management.
Understandably you are under a lot of stress now, ... I've not been in the same position, but I have experienced post-traumatic shock, recovery does take time, esp if the situation is still active, ... This time last year I was drafting a resignation letter, and choose to give myself a few months out to recover.. at one point when low, demotivated, and semi-suicidal I firmly, and absolutely believed that I would never be capable of work.. I work for an agency now, which gives me the ability to say no on the days when I don't feel able to face the world, it's not the ideal longterm stratergy, but it suits my needs now...
Thank you so much, you are very practical and honest that's all I wanted. My house is a rented council tenacity which I hope to return to if it can be secured for my safety. There is still no official complain been made about the allegation and the police have said on numerous occasions that I am the victim in this. I have never been in a situation like this before nor did I think I ever would be. The people I trusted most in the world have really destroyed that so as well as all the other issues I now have the trust one to deal with, although from a young age I didn't trust many people because of the abuse and I didn't get close to many people either. It does look from now on I'm going to be living a sad lonely existence with nothing and no one. I gave our marriage everything I had and I also looked after my stepson as best I could there was never any abuse and because I have given my best and it wasn't good enough then there really isn't much else to do.
It sound like your ex was not a nice person so you are lucky in a way that she is you ex,what kind of mother would bring up her son to behave like that!!! I'm sorry for what you are going through,I also went through stuff when I was 8 bit to be honest I'm over it,I never thought I would be but when my daughter almost died and was left with a life threatening illness,that completely destroyed me,nothing I went through when I was young compares to that kind of pain,I'd rather relive my childhood a million times if it meant my daughter could be healthy,I don't like the comment above though,so basically if it's not a physical illness you should get a job (WOW) everyone is different and everyone suffers different,I've just been diagnosed with bipolar disorder after the trauma of nearly loosing my daughter bit according to the comment above I should work 😲?that's really shocking and kind of gets to me because I'm going through he'll and barely living,if you know anything about bipolar you'll know we go through highs and lows and when im on a low as i am now they last for 8 to 9 months where I'm physically exhausted,suicidal and completely isolate myself and have no contact with anyone,I'm on universal credit where I have to look for work,the woman I see is awful,I'm forced to see her and have phone contact with her and that's so hard because i dont like to have contact with anyone and she always has to make a point in saying you look really well and that makes me feel worse,just because people can't see my mental health illness doesn't mean it's not there,anyway I hope things improve for you soon and I hope you're living somewhere where you don't have to bump into your ex x
That shows my brain isn't too good at the moment the fact that I've just commented on a post that's 2 months old 😂 I thought it said 2 hours x
Thank you for ur input and I agree with u 100% I was a bit taken aback by the comment about work and that's why I went on my high horse. I am so sorry u have bipolar and then there's dealing with ur daughters diagnosis, life is very difficult for u I can understand that, I have a younger cousin who is bipolar and I've watched him take really big dips so I fully understand where ur coming from. I myself don't want to see or speak to people I have been like that for most of my life. I'm so sorry that u only get universal credit which isn't enough to feed a cat never mind a family. I take my hat off to you for the way u have handled things and yes ur daughters illness would have taken over everything. U have inner strength for u and ur daughter I don't know where u get it from but I can gather u will do everything in ur power to make things better. In terms of the post above some people are very ignorant to so people just because someone looks fine on the outside and don't show signs of being ill doesn't mean they aren't so do u need to have a broken leg or something visible before people see u as being ill. U will be like me we done have this by choice.