So ive been diagnosed with depression after a rather stressful period in my life....moving...redundancy.. breakup....ive been doing ok....started 20mg citalopeam 2 weeks ago.....this morning i feel so theres no hope. I dont know how to feel bettee
Desperate: So ive been diagnosed with... - Mental Health Sup...

I know how you feel, im having an awful time being bullied at work by my manager, shes horrible and so close to the man who owns the company, so I havent got a leg to stand on, also lost my mum in july last year so not having a good time of it! lifes difficult and sometimes i feel liken ending it all
Dont let the bullies ruin your life...although i coukd say the same about men ha. We're all here togerher and hopefully one day we can look back on this time and not feel so bad
One of the side effects of many antidepressants is that they can make you feel worse before you feel better. Keep an eye on that and if things don't start to improve then speak to your doctor x
Thanks mellep yes I know what you mean about anti depressants they can make you feel worse I wish I could come off them but scared of feeling worse than ever x