What am I to do ?: Hi. I have been... - Mental Health Sup...

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What am I to do ?

5 Replies

Hi. I have been suffering from severe anxiety and depression. It runs in the family , my mum suffers from it as well as my aunt on my mother's side ,plus my gran,my mums mum also suffered the same. My stepdad passed away on Thursday 17th December 2015. I lived in Northampton at the time after leaving Glasgow to start a fresh. Life was all good until I get the dreaded phone call. I jumped on the train straight to Glasgow on the Friday morning. I had to come home to support my mum. I have been now since Jim ...my step dad... Passed away. I have tried all that a can try to get housed and I mean cab,sheltered housing,you name it I've been on to them to try and get me housed. Now the did give 3 offers but were totally not what I stated on app form. To cut a long story short they offered me the worst flats in the worst areas so I said no to the 3 of them due to bad memories and health. Now me and my mum are at loggerheads ,constant snidely remarks but when I stick up for my self she bites at me knowing how I'm feeling. Now she has all the help from the authorities I feel she doesn't need me anymore so is looking for any excuse to get me out after all I have done for her. Phoning the police this morning is the final straw for me and BTW I would never bit a female ,especially my mum. I'm at the end of my tether and have had enough now. I know exactly what my mum will be like at night and in mornings,those are her most vulnerable times but her workers never see this. In fact I feel her workers have caused more harm than good ,but saying that I don't know what my mum is telling her workers. Nothing bad happens in this house other than petty arguments. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Alan

5 Replies
MAS_Nurse profile image

Hello Alan

Thank you for your post. It sounds as if life is so difficult for you at the moment. You have been very supportive at such a sad time for you and your Mum after your Step Dad died. It sounds as if things were very bad this morning. It must be so difficult trying to support your Mum while trying to cope with your own situation too. This is a positive thing for you to do to tell us about your situation.

Perhaps you need to have some time apart from your Mum. Have you talked with your doctor about getting more support or help for you at this time? Do you have a support worker that you can talk with possibly about your housing situation?

You may want to contact MIND at mind.org for more support.

Our members are very supportive too, so may have more help and information for you.

You may also want to look at the pinned posts and topics

Do keep in touch

Best wishes

Suzie40 profile image

Has your Mum conveniently forgotten that you uprooted yourself to support her?

chbale profile image

It sounds like a poor situation you're going through, putting a little distance between you seems a sensible way forward without totally losing contact.

I've had no personal experience myself but have friends who have used Shelter to get some help with housing. They might not necessarily get you a property directly but can help with the process. I've only ever heard good things. They have a great legal team apparently!

in reply to chbale

Shelter only helped me with one appeal,then told me that's all they could do for me.

chbale profile image
chbale in reply to

I'm sorry to hear that, as I said, I've had no interaction with them directly but they have helped my friends. Thought I'd just suggest that as an option if you hadn't already tried

Not what you're looking for?

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