After being relatively well for about 12 months,I have suddenly crashed into my darkest moments again. No real explanation,just one day my wife just asked me a simple question,and three hours of emotions just poured out ! She has told me i was completely inconsolable. Just an outpouring of everything.Since that day,I am tearful every day.The slightest upset or setback,sets me off. The Doctor has given me two weeks off from work.But then that runs through my mind constantly,along with money worries.I have been referred to the Wellbeing team,but i feel i need more than just talking.I want to make a positive move somehow,to change the cycle.
Return Of the 'Black Dog': After being... - Mental Health Sup...
Return Of the 'Black Dog'

That’s essentially exactly what happened to me. Even though I’ve been stressed out I have been doing okay... Until Sunday and my boyfriend got mad and it just triggered months of anxiety and emotions. It’s been horrible. It’s good that you’re seeing a wellbeing team. They will help you figure out what to do to break this negativity.
Sometimes it helps me to rearrange my house. It gives me a fresh feeling. Of course, I’ve been in bed for two days and not eating so I’m not in the place to move things. But it is something I have done before.
I’m glad you have your wife there for you. A support system is so important. Keep me updated on how things go! Best of luck.
Well,my wife is trying her best,but as I'm her carer too,it's all a little crazy.I'm going to see my GP again,as I'm always angry,but also just want to burst into tears,this completely different to what i've experienced before.
Well, best of luck to you! Keep us posted on how things are going
I really hope that you have been able to resolve your own personal issues.Mine have improved in certain area's but not others. I am now on a double dose of my medication and its begining to get better.But as i have been off work,the company i work for have refused to pay any money for two Months.So now i have money issues to deal with.Life is a Bitch and i hate her !
Hello kjb1958 and welcome to our forum. This is a very caring site so I am sure you will continue to get support and helpful suggestions from our great community members. I am so sorry that you are having a very difficult time at the moment. You seem to be in a vulnerable and emotional frame of mind and it is good that you have been to your doctor. I hope you will not have to wait too long to be seen by the Wellbeing team. But if you don't hear soon, I would let your GP know and ask for the referral to be speeded up. Your wife is very caring and supportive and I am sure she is a great comfort to you while you are not feeling well. Try and take things easy for now while you are off work, and maybe some gentle walks out in the fresh air may help you. If you do have an Occupational Health Department at work, it may be a good idea to make an appointment and go and see them and explain how you are feeling .This may be valuable , especially if you need longer time off work. Perhaps Citizens Advice may be able to help you, if you are worried financially, England...03444 111 444
Wales .....03444 77 2020
They have a fully operational advice helpline
You may like to have a look at the Crisis Support helpline numbers and information which you will see on the pinned posts section.
Also, you may find help and support from the following Organisations Telephone........0300 123 3393 Mon-Fri 9-6pm except B/H or
Sane is another organisation, they offer emotional support and information,
Telephone..........0300 304 700 6-11 pm daily 365 days a year
I hope this helps and I do hope that with treatment and support, you will start to feel a little better soon.......take good care of yourself.....with very best wishes
Hello kjb, I've been thinking along these lines for the last week or so because people want to know what sets them off or why they have a set backs. One thing I think happens is we ignore the small stuff every day and eventually it builds up into a big thing. Too big to ignore. So those seemingly small decisions we make everyday should be paid attention to. I try to let things go if I can and to be more flexible, but I don't ignore it if it's important to me. I hope that makes sense. Pam
Thankyou all of you for the support,i have made another GP appointment,because work are putting pressure on me to return before my sick note runs out.Even making an appointment for my Manager and HR to come to my house ! For God's sake talk about putting me under pressure. Then they wonder why i feel so bad.The manager isn't the most sympathetic person.Even shouting done the phone at me.This is from a Care company too !!!! Have a little care for your employees.