Handed my notice into work today... - Mental Health Sup...

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Handed my notice into work today...

CJ2016 profile image
5 Replies

After being there for 2 years my first proper job, i handed my notice in, because i have had a new job that is full time.

But even though i will be starting this new job, i cant help but keep looking for the next job.

I have no dream job, i get bored easily and think this will be a true test on what goes on in my head.

Going from 20 hours to a 38/9 & at times 48 hours a week job feels somewhat intense, its a mixture of excitement,anxious, just not knowing what lays ahead.

The new job requires a medical(basic eyesight, drugs and alchohol test) due to the nature of the job(working with molten metal).

If the medical required more then the problems would start, with the obvious scars and cuts on my arms from self harm.

Maybe im just thinking too much, my moods are still all over the place i doubt that will ever change, but we shall see how this job will affect my mental state.

A part of me feels like death is an easier option then changing jobs for the rest of my life and battling my lows, another part keeps looking for the next task the next buzz.

Its just a jumble sale of thoughts and emotions

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CJ2016 profile image
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5 Replies
blackcat64013 profile image

Hi CJ2016,

Congratulations on your new job. I think it's your anxiety kicking in.

I love this article from Steve Errey, a confidence coach

" You walk through the door on the first day of your new job, and there it is: that shrinking fear that tells you that you don't know anyone, you don't know how things are done, you don't know who to talk to, and you don't know how friendly or over-the-top professional you need to be. You don't even know where the good coffee is. Starting a new job can stir deep feelings of anxiety, making you feel as though you’re on the outside, not good enough, or smaller than you really are.

But, the sooner you can face those fears, the sooner you can dive in and start making an impact .

Here are five helpful ways to keep those nerves at bay, ease your fears, and feel more confident at your new job.

1. Relax -

Walk into a new job with your body full of tension and your fists (even metaphorically) clenched, and you’ll not only stress yourself out, you’ll put everyone else on edge, too. You'll be short or snappish with people because that's how your body is. You'll be less inclined to open up with new colleagues because you're in self-protection mode. You won't be in a place to do great work because you're so focused on yourself.

Your body's a great mirror for how your mind is, so if your body is tense and anxious, there's a good chance it's because that's how you're feeling. So relax. Loosen your shoulders. Breathe naturally. Listen to your body, and when you feel it becoming tense or tightening up, make a deliberate choice to loosen up and relax.

2. Remember Why You’re There -

The scariness of a brand new job in a big new building can easily make you forget what you're doing there in the first place—all that excitement and buzz gets swapped with fear and trepidation.

So, it's helpful to remember why you're there. Right off the bat, remember that you're at your new workplace because you were selected—among all the dozens of candidates—as the best person for the job. Your employers have faith in you and want you to succeed, and their job is to help you flourish in the role.

Secondly, remind yourself why you got excited about landing the job. Whether it’s because of what you get to do, how you get to grow, the value you get to bring, or the difference you get to make, those are the things to focus on and remember.

3. Trust the Process -

In any new role, there's pressure to perform right from the start, whether that means finding the best solutions, providing the right answers, or impressing the right people.

But perhaps the most important thing to remember in any job is that you don't need to have all the answers. In fact, acting as though you do is really just using bluster and hubris to keep people from thinking you're not good enough.

Nobody expects you to know everything. And when you’re faced with something you don’t know about , sometimes the brave thing to do is to tell people you’re still figuring things out and that you’ll get back to them with an answer. Then, trust yourself enough to use everything you’ve got to navigate through one step at a time.

4. See Them as People Too -

Part of the fear of a new job is comparing yourself to others and thinking that everyone around you is better in some way; that they know more or do more or are capable of more.

But, of course, that's just your brain making stuff up. Everyone around you is incomplete and imperfect. Everyone has their own strengths, weaknesses, wins, losses, history, and potential. Comparing yourself to those people and automatically making them better is just a strategy to keep you small and afraid.

The truth is, we're all people—and we’ve all been in a new job before. So, the next time you find yourself clamming up with new colleagues because you think they’re better than you, just smile and remember that we’re all in the same boat.

5. Normalize New -

Simply put, new is scary. That's just how it should be. If it wasn't scary, it would mean you've done it all before or are simply following to the letter what someone else has already carved out. That doesn't sound like much fun at all, right?

Your brain lights up like a Christmas tree when you're in a new situation where the outcome is uncertain, so the fear you feel about starting a new job is just your brain doing what it's supposed to do. The real problem then, is thinking that the fear and anxiety is a problem. It isn't. It's perfectly normal.

When that part of you that's scared of the new starts to scream at you, give yourself room to pause. Reassure yourself that you’ve come this far, tell yourself that you're not going to die, and press on through that fear. I promise: With time, this too shall pass. "

If you want to print it or share with someone else in the same boat, here's the link


MattBuckland profile image

Hi Cj

I kind of know where you are coming from with the 'next buzz' thing, as getting bored in job job can make you anxious. Totally get the anxiety part of moving up to longer hours and worry about constant change and fighting your head forever.

Fair play to you for taking up the challenge and good luck with the new job.

Just remember that there is a lot of emotions to deal with for people without mental health issues to deal with when starting a new job, it is intense. So be kind to yourself. Well done mate.


CJ2016 profile image

Hey guys apperciate the feedback, i have a bad habbit of over thinking, most people think the mask i wear in public is my real personar.

Good thing they cant see into pandoras box, but yeah i guess we shall see where this goes.

MAS_Nurse profile image

Hi CJ2016, I want to add my congratulations on getting a new job! A brave new step for you. I also want to thank the forumites here, especially 'blackcat64013' for taking the time to write such a fulsome and helpful post, the advice sounds great. Do explore if your job has an employee support programme or occupational health service available, as they can provide a lot of on the job support, reasonable adjustments etc.

Keep up the good work folks in supporting each other:-)

Best wishes

CJ2016 profile image

Thanks nurse apperciate the reply 👍🏻

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