Cant take it anymore: hi, so I have... - Mental Health Sup...

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Cant take it anymore

4 Replies


so I have this little sister and long story short she's extremely manipulative, conceited and so good at being passive aggressive. I spent my whole life taking care of her because I have ocd and have a great fear of harm coming to my family. I also have depression and a horrid past that I won't get into. I didn't want her to have the life I had and would bend over backwards for her. One of the small things I did was save my dinner money for the whole month and spend it on her at the end of it(you could say I spoiled her so this might be my fault.but recently she kept fighting with me and starting making friends with my other siblings who I no longer talk to because of some dark things they've done to me in my past. I spent my whole life protecting her ,praying for her to be safe from my siblings, the very people she betrayed me for 13 years later. I genuinely think she is a psychopath and I am secretly afraid of her because I know how manipulative she can be. She goes out of her way to make my life miserable. Today I was filling in my online enrollment form and she tried to ruin it. She always walks past me with a smug look on her face and steals my things. Nothing fazes her. She's extremely two faced and she makes accounts online to catfish people. Her face is emotionless like a psychopath and she tells people I've done things when I haven't. When I spoke to her I tried to stop her from.being like this but now I just cant take it. She's making my depression worse and all the things that she knows I hate, she will do intentionally. This makes me on edge constantly ,I'm scared all the time that she'll do something to my kittens and it kills me inside to even imagine. She's making my ocd skyrocket and I just cant take it anymore. I feel sick to my stomach and sad all day to think that I sacrificed everything I had for this monster. How can someone 13 years of age be so cunning and heartbreakingly mean to me when I've done nothing but love her?

4 Replies
joeyawesomo profile image


She seems to have quite a active life for a 13 year old, cat fishing people....

My younger brother who I don't live with is a menace, he's quite manipulative to my disabled mother and plays the psyc games and doesn't really show much remorse. I remember when she was in Hospital for a cancer thyroid operation and I was looking after him and he wanted to call her for her credit card so he can buy stuff on Steam (Gaming platform). I told him no and he did it behind my back anyways. I wasn't best pleased.

He doesn't fear consequences as he recently been involved in arson and set someone garden house on fire.

He's also had problems at School and he has recently started attending "Success club" which is a family service with a trained counselor and now has a family support worker and will be shortly going in for a diagnosis of ADHD.

If you have genuine concerns it's not really up to you to deal with it, more so your parents. Perhaps them talking to her school and addressing these problems might be beneficial for you and your family. It done wonders in my family between my Mother and my brother.

in reply to joeyawesomo

that's horrid! I can imagine my little sister doing that too. She takes advantage of everything and anything she can.

she has already been to the school for counselling as she claimed she was being "bullied" and I genuinely believed her but then loads of lies began to unravel which is how I found out about the catfishing. She was catfishing the girl who was "bullying" her and in the messages the bully was saying how she wishes my sister would become friends again with her. This made it clear that she was just as malicious or maybe she's the only bully in this story. I have a mentally ill sister and my little sister tried to leave a manual on how to commit suicide for her. She disgusts me and I know she's not my problem to deal with but my parents hardly care and even when they do, shouting doesn't affect her, she laughs in their faces. She's really desperate for attention too. Like the teacher was cautious how she worded it but she implied it. My mum would get called in nearly every week because of my sister doing something and then playing the victim. I just want her to leave me alone. Moving out isn't an option,I'm not financially stable. I just wish there was a way to get away from her.

by the way, thanks for your reply and I sorry about your mum. I hope things are better now and will keep getting better :)

joeyawesomo profile image
joeyawesomo in reply to

Sounds like you got it tuff.

Hopefully your sister will grow out of it, as she is still young and lots can still change. It's good that the School are involved and hopefully they will support with her behavior.

My best friend is in a similar situation but hes much older and can't find a middle ground with his older brother and it causes him a lot of depression and stress, which has resulted in them not talking to each other. As you can imagine this has caused a hostile environment in the family home.

I wish I could give you a solution, but these situations are difficult and its obviously causing you a lot of stress, which is quite natural.

Naturally them being your family there's that unconditioned love for your sister, but you hate the behavior. I'm sure there's lot of positive attributes of your sister and obviously you care about her deeply. The thing is you can only guide her, fundamentally she will be responsible for her actions and seems to me your doing your part as a big sister by trying to make a positive impact in her life.

Perhaps take a step back? See friends go out, focus on you. Ignore her negative behavior.

Don't be harsh on your parents, I'll let you into a secret the older you get you might become more mature but fundamentally your as lost and the same person you was as a kid. Your parents don't always have the solutions but I'm sure they try there best, as difficult challenges can challenge all.

I'm sorry this post wasn't that helpful and hopefully someone will be able to give some better input and thank you for the kind words about my Mum.

in reply to joeyawesomo

I hope she does grow out of it because this kind of behavior is abnormal!

your best friend sounds like me. My family is a broken one and lots of us don't talk to each other for the things they've done.

I guess there is no solution to it. I just want to move out asap for my own sanity.

you're right, I do think my parents have tried but I feel like mo matter what happens now I feel it is too late. She doesn't fear anything.

Don't say that, I really appreciate you trying to help and I have taken your words to account. There never was an easy way to get out of this situation but thank you for atleast trying and I wish you all the best because you deserve happiness:) thank you!

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