Ok, so firstly. I am unsure what it is that is going on with myself at the moment. I have these days where I feel amazing and SO positive about life, then I'm having days when I just feel lost, empty and nothing if that makes sense?
I have felt this for some years now. It's just up until about a week and a half ago, I had a few days where I couldn't snap out of it. Apart from this time I was having "intrusive thoughts" basically telling me I should just end my life. I have had these before but never to the point where it doesn't stop. It lasted for about 3 days. And hasn't happened since thankfully but it has certainly scared me for if it ever happens again.
I don't and have never took medication or been diagnosed with anything. I feel like I can't talk to my GP as he will probably just try to palm me off with medication and I just feel he will not care. I do know I suffer from severe anxiety which I also do not take medication for.
Is this the end of me trying to beat it all alone? Do I need help?