does anyone else suffer from breathing difficulties (finding it hard to breath in and having to gasp a breath)? I've been to the doctors and they said I'm fine and nothing seems abnormal so it's a normal sensation or because of anxiety. I just can't stop it at the moment. I have been struggling for 3 days in a row now. Anyone else get this and know of anything to stop this?
Struggling to breath please help me? - Mental Health Sup...
Struggling to breath please help me?

Yes, I've had it off and on for years. It's like an involuntary inhalation. Sometimes I can't sleep because I feel like I stop breathing and wake up. My Doctors have reassured me it is anxiety and I believe them. If it killed you I would have been dead years ago. Try not to worry too much. Play some music, do a little dance, you can't think of two things at once so divert yourself if you can. It takes practice, but it's doable .

thank you for the advice I feel better knowing I'm not alone with this
Hi if you google breathing exercises lots will come up. I have asthma and copd as well and they really do help. I will try and find a good link for you. x

thank you I will give them a try
It sounds like that's how your anxiety comes out. I have awful anxiety and mine comes in a sick feeling. To the point where I could vomit for hours after working myself up.
I would recommend trying to do things to take your mind off it (which I know is mich easier said than done).
I find mine is the worst at night when trying to sleep. So instead of lying down I prop myself up on some pillows and have to tv on the background with the brightness turned down and the sound low. It helps me drift off without overthinking things. Maybe try that if you have trouble sleeping because it?

thank you so much for your advice I will give this a try. I have to make sure my pillows high as I feel I'm suffocating myself if not. But thank you very much.
I too have breathing difficulties all day long, and it worsens at night, sometimes it suddenly wakes me up at night gasping for breath. and oh, there is a catch too, extreme body weakness too. but doctor says i should always believe all is well, but i can't. I haven't slept for 3days straight for fear of my breath cutting for good. HELLLLLLLLP MEEEEEEEEEEE.