Can anyone help .im currently on 45mg of mirtazapine. Can these tablets affect on sleeping on average 15 hours a day on most days with rare you can imagine its having such on my diabetes is out of control sleeping this amount of time is not helping .any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Mirtazapine : Can anyone help .im... - Mental Health Sup...
Hi there Malcolm I'm sorry.I can't help you as I know nothing about these Meds. Why not phone your Pharmacy tomorrow or your GP, they would be the best people to advise you, especially if you are a diabetic. Does the Dr. Who prescribed them know that you are a Diabetic,?I really feel you need to talk to your GP,
Medication affects everyone differently so I would check with Pharmacy or Dr.
Good luck and let us know how you get on.
Thanks for your reply.will ring my gp tomorrow. Just awful sleeping that knows in also on morphine .just thinking is it a combination of the tabs im on making me feel so tired.

Oh my goodness, Malcolm, you are on MORPHINE!!?? I hope this dr knows what he is doing... I am sorry to sound disrespectful of him/or her ... but that is a heavy duty drug usually reserved for hospice patients or very short term post op drugs...
I would call the pharmacist, actually... and I would even consider changing GP's... I don't mean to sound 'scary'...YOU may be doing just fine...its your DR I am questioning!!
Mertazapine is another 'iffy' drug and one of its purposes is to help you sleep if you have problems with insomnia... Morphine can range between making your feel 'high' (its a derivative of Heroine which comes from Opium) but it can also 'help' you sleep. No wonder you are sleeping so much!
PLEASE question your pharmacist.... Good luck to you!
Hi Betty thanks for your reply.bit of a long story reason I am on morphine I had my coccyx removed in 2014 Dec spent 5 days in hospital. but over Xmas and new year I got a spinal infection. I got left like that for nearly a fortnight before I got readmitted. Then spent another 2wks in hospital. Had to have another op to clear out infection and also did a debridement. Had stitches out but then got another infection so bk to hosp for another wk.i still get so much pain. I also have chronic low bk pain.find it hard without morphine.
Just to put you in the picture I'm now waiting to see a consultant about frozen shoulder on my right arm.again morphine helps with that although I can't sleep on my right side.and all of this on top of having shoulder surgery on my left arm twice once in 2013 and again In 2014..and to add insult to injury I fell over two wks after my second shoulder op and was told I had a number 3 sprain which I was told I would have been better off braking my foot.hence spent six wks in plaster.and a considerable amount off that time in a wheelchair. Phew hope it not to boring

You have my sympathies I had two frozen shoulders and it's the pain from hell . I'm so sorry your suffering so much and I really hope you get sorted soon . 😇

I know it's hard as your a diabetic but what I wouldn't give for 5 hours sleep instead of the 2 hours if I'm lucky , but 15 would be heaven . Not helpful for you I realise . Hope you can get sorted soon
Yes the two tablets combined will make you tired but always as others say consult your doctor or pharmacist over this. Gemma x
I'm also on 4 b p tabs a dayas well as metformin,thyroxine,60,000 u of vit d,folic acid 5mg a day. Insulin +few other tablets.just feel like a zombie most days.thanks for your advice. Malcolm x

Malcolm , I know just how you feel . I feel like a zombie too , I have 18 prescription s a month some are for lung disease which is odd because I have never smoked and this is caused by smoking . Take care .
The medication you are taking is a very strong AD that has an impressive list of contraindications, one of them to do with disrupted sleep, they will make you sleep.
Generally it can take an extended period of about six weeks before you get used to the drug although this time period can be less for certain people.
i gather you take Opiates, if this is the case this can make you feel sleepy. I take a synthetic opiate and I take a lean dose that can be increased or decreased as the need dictates. So knowing that will also explain your sleep problems
This medication should be checked if you are suffering diabetes if you suspect it is not suiting you.
Talk to your GP, He knows your conditions and can make sure all is ok when it comes to this medication group. To sleep for fifteen hours seems extreme again your GP is the one who knows what He wants to achieve with these medications
You know where we are
You are now taking a good selection of strong medications that I failed to understand, Talk to your GP He may be able to trim down your dose
Do you have a TENS or have you been under Pain Clinic ??
Why do you fail to understand about my medications.and don't mean that to sound rude.tens machine no better than useless.
I am sorry that you are upset with my response to your post.
In my case I suffer depression and a further congenital condition of the brain that in some ways was caused by medications such as Opiate and AD. I have a chronic pain condition that has effected my life now for over thirty years. I have also been to Pain Clinic and was trained in how to adjust doses of prescribed drugs as my condition waxed and wained.
If you are having problems with your medications when pain is concerned I recommend you go on the PAIN CONCERN site, I sometimes discuss pain medication and associated pain management on that site.
You are having problems with diabetes, your GP is awaiting results so they can diagnose what type of diabetes you have, when they know that they will be able to work out diet and medications, it may take time to set the level of medication you will require also which drug would suit you best, and control the pain caused regarding spine etc. Pain clinic if not already can help you take control of your condition as many Chronic Pain suffers have to do.
It is a accepted problem that pain sufferers need to take control of their condition and pace their life choices.
Sad to say I understand Chronic pain medications to well, over the years has been a real problem so we take varied types of drugs to get relief.
Again sorry I upset you, conditions with chronic pain can make us all very cranky. Do not let your condition control your life, we try and control the pain and life that we have been given
My Gp is aware of all my health issues as I only saw him about 4 wks ago.but the sleep problem has just got will ring him due to see him in a couple of wks for a review of my vit d levels. Also seeing a consultant diabetician. Just awaiting blood results as he gave me form to determine whether I'm type one and not type 2
I was on that medication and I had to stop I was sleeping all day and night I was only awake for 3 hours and I felt like a zombie.
Just how I feel at the moment.last Thurs Fri sat nite I slept for about 46 hours.and Monday into Tues it was 19hrs
Hi Malcolm. Mirtazapine is one of the best A/D available. I Take 45 mg, that is the highest dose. I sleep 6 hrs a night. A lot of Drs know very little about A/D, they look at the list and randomly select one. A Psychiatrist prescribed my meds. They are far more knowledgeably. Hope you get sorted.
Hi Malcolm, I am so very sorry for what you are all going through...Thank you for all your replies and your patience for answering all of us and our questions. You are a brave soul! And I admire you because you sound so determined, and I think this is wonderful. Somehow, things WILL work out... Sending you healing energy and love and hoping you have a good day!! Regardless of what ANY of us say...YOU do what your heart and instincts say 'is for you'...because that is the only really 'right' thing for you. Take good care!
Thank you for your kind words Betty .i was pensioned off ill health bk in dec last thats difficult trying to fill my days and boring. especially when not well enough to go out.just glad i have my photography.look forward to doing that when im able to get out and about.thank you again and everyone else
Hi just read your post. Mirtazipine at that dose shouldn't make you too sleepy but because you are diabetic and it's not controlled that can have a massive impact. I know because I'm going though the same thing. Only I'm not on mirtazipine anymore I'm on sertraline and quetiapine now. I'm type 2 diabetic because of my depression. I also have an underactive thyroid. Im also under the Effective disorder team. So i know a little of what your going through. I think you need to try and control your diabetes hun because that won't be helping.
I see a consultant and my GP who deals with my medication. Im not saying that this is definitely what's wrong hun. Hope you get sorted soon take care.
I hope what I have said is ok xx☺☺
Thank you for your reply.i stopped taking mirtazapine last wk.and im def not as tired.cant take sertraline made me have nightmares .im jusy waiting to see my consultant diabetician soon early days with that only seen him once but have another appt again soon to c if im type on metformin and insulin 4 times a day.its really hard sometimes feels like juggling balls and sometimes u dont catch them all.hope that dont sound daft.seeing orthopaedic surgeon 2moz afternoon have frozen shoulder .so bloody painful.but at least i try stay positive 😊
I hope you get better real soon and thanks for the advice
Malcolm xx
That doesn't sound daft at all I know what you mean lol. I'm on metformin 4 a day and 1 glictazide. I was only diagnosed in January this year along with underactive thyroid. It's taking its toll on me along with my mental health too. Your welcome if i can help anymore in any way I'm here ok. Take care and I hope you get some answers really soon hun ☺☺
Ive been diabetic over 10 years like you im on 4 metformin and insulin.and my thyroid went .but mine was overactive at first.then had radioactive iodine then it went underactive.all gd fun.and moved in to new house 5 yrs ago and fell down the stairs twice. Wouldnt mind but i dont even drink😂.broke my coccyx and had it removed afain that wasnt fun .anyway enough moaning from thing keeps me going when im up to it is my photography. Do you manage any hobbies xx